Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

March 2012 Articles (16)

How to go from GOOD to GREAT… in any sport. (part 2)

As we saw in our previous article there is a particular ‘non-linear’ dynamic motion that is existent, and which can be seen, in all top athletes, and in every sport.

It’s a motion that, when done properly, can create tremendous speed and power with minimal effort. It’s also a motion that creates amazing balance, grace, and fluidity that make tops athletes appear to be smooth and natural.

To put it as simply as possible, just think of this non-linear motion as a figure-8, or the…


Added by Jack W. Broudy on March 31, 2012 at 10:07am — 11 Comments

Tommy John surgery for CoachV & Tennis players do's and Don'ts Research for next year pro Tour

Today was an interesting day at of my trainer friends told me about Tommy John is reconstructive surgery for the elbow.....the same type of injury in the elbow that prevented me from going pro... i think...... im doing research for it.....

i have found this article saying that a promising junior has had the surgery....

can any find tennis pros who on the tour had the surgery??? thanks!



Added by CoachV - William Vazquez on March 30, 2012 at 9:30pm — 13 Comments

Keizer Tennis Association Raising Funds for Public Courts (First Kids Courts in Pacific NW!)

The Keizer Tennis Association in Keizer, OR, recently got approval to build tennis courts (4 adult and 4 10-and-under - THE FIRST IN THE PNW!!!) at Claggett Creek Park in Keizer. We have worked towards this goal for nearly 4 years and the City Council FINALLY agreed. We'll be applying for grants to fund the project (it's around $300k & the USTA will be granting us $50k) as we qualify as a non-profit org. We MAY have some in-kind donations (ground prep, free materials, etc.) that…


Added by Barbara Smith on March 29, 2012 at 12:29am — No Comments

The Hoax, Tennis Perfection: Getting Away With Mediocrity!

I just returned from sunny BNP Paribas 2012 in Indian Wells, California and watched some of the most talented players in the world putting on some masterful, beautiful displays of the game of tennis. Congratulations to Roger Federer and Victoria Azarenka for winning the titles.

As fans of the sport, it is easy to watch it with…


Added by TennisWithD on March 26, 2012 at 10:00pm — 6 Comments

Tennis Abides Review of Bring Your Racquet

Thanks to my new cyber friend Dan Martin (creator of for so many kind words in his review -- Steven White, Author

24 Mar

Certified tennis professional Steven White’s book…


Added by Steven White on March 25, 2012 at 6:00pm — No Comments

3.5 to 4.0 (on a good day) for tennis hit or social doubles four

Hi guys,

The tennis season is almost on us. Anyone fancy a hit? I play at around 3.5/ 4 on a good day but I am 51 now so that court is getting bigger. I live in North Vancouver and plenty of court avaiiability there. I also play at the Capilano Tennis Club. I work in Surrey so can also travel to play. Available weekends or evenings most times. 

I would also be interested in socila doubles if anyone is looking for a partner as the court is not quite as big !!



Added by Alex Barber on March 22, 2012 at 3:44pm — No Comments

Bryan Brothers' Secrets - Free Videos

Hey guys,

Many of you know that I am good friends with Will Hamilton that runs Fuzzy Yellow Balls (he actually has a profile here on 'opolis.)  Will just had the pleasure of meeting the Bryans and working with them on the court.  They put together 4 videos that outline 4 keys of their doubles game - they focus on things that you and I can ACTUALLY DO on the court to take our game to the next…


Added by Mark / The Mayor on March 21, 2012 at 7:00pm — 9 Comments

Why Don't We Just Quit?

The sun is shining and the court is calling.  Your tennis bag is already in the back of the car just begging you to come out and play.  You force your body off the couch, your knee reminding you of yesterdays three setter.  You reach for the keys and your shoulder reminds you of the three aces you hit in the second set.  Out to the car you go and as you turn the ignition your…


Added by Sandra on March 18, 2012 at 2:00pm — 4 Comments

“Hey D, How Many Tennis Lessons do I need Till I am Good”?

It is hard to discuss money in most contexts without sounding vulgar. But as soon as a coach hears the question titling this blog the translation is usually, “what is the least amount of money I can spend and get to enjoy the rallies” so the pressure is on. In all honesty, who isn’t concerned about getting quality for their “dough-re-miii”? Assuming you already have…


Added by TennisWithD on March 16, 2012 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

Just Add a Dash for the Perfect Slice

This is a fun video that demonstrates how to add the right amount of under spin to you slice forehand or backhand. The key is you don't want to add too much cut on your ball, which is what most club players try to do. This exaggerated cut motion results in a ball that floats too much and has no pace.

What you want to do is be…


Added by Peter Freeman on March 16, 2012 at 5:30am — No Comments


Starting a Men's beginning competitive 2.5 USTA team in the East Bay

Matches Start on 4/1/2012

If you are a beginner wanting consistent hitting partners in a friendly environment.

(Not in one of those snobbish country club settings)

 We start matches on the 3/31/2012 for 8 weeks

 I have lined up an instructor to give us free tennis clinics to help with fundamentals and strategy

 And a wonderful location to start your development in the game of…


Added by johnpaape on March 14, 2012 at 4:23pm — No Comments

USTA Men's 4.0 League Looking for Players in Orange County, CA

I have a USTA Men's team playing out of Seal Beach Tennis Center.  The season runs 04/13 thru 07/01, and we play about 10 matches throughout Orange County.  The spring format is two lines of singles and three lines of doubles.  I am looking for a couple more players to make the team complete.  Please contact me if you are a 4.0 level player who may be interested in joining us for match play.  You must be at least 18 years of age.  We have been doing this for a few years and it has been a…


Added by David Mak on March 14, 2012 at 2:09pm — No Comments

From Arithmetic to Calculus

Yeah, this is a weird title for a tennis blog, but it's appropriate.

I've played the game of tennis for near nineteen years now, but for all but eighteen months ago, I played the exact same way. That way is normally called "pushing". Pushers call it "less mistakes", or some bullshit like that. That started because I taught myself the game hitting against the garage door with a hand-me-down Connors T2000, which had the flexibility of wrought iron. Because I didn't have a lot of…


Added by Jake Christner on March 11, 2012 at 2:05am — 3 Comments

Freelance Tennis Instruction

I do most of my teaching freelance.  Some is through local parks and recreation.  Freelance is in private communities (with permission) and public and private courts where there may be uninforced rules about commercial use of the courts.

I would like to start a discussion with any of you who are working in the capacity.  We might find it supportive to share some ideas about what works and what doesn't.

I will also post this message as a "Discussion".  Not sure who reads…


Added by Ron Rudin on March 8, 2012 at 1:47pm — No Comments

10 Ways to Play Recreational Tennis like a Grand Slam Champ. Part 2

Illustration by Jon Keegan

5. Develop a backup plan:

Champions have a way of turning a losing match situation around, and one of the ways of doing that is by switching strategy. No use sticking to your most “comfortable” game plan when you are getting outplayed. While pros can…


Added by TennisWithD on March 6, 2012 at 8:30am — 2 Comments

10 Ways to Play Recreational Tennis like a Grand Slam Champ, Part 1

First and foremost I would like to apologize for the absence. A few things are happening simultaneously so much that sometimes I wish there were three more of me so I could give the world what I really want to! Between, a few disappointing tournament results, keeping a job and making preparations for graduate school one blinks and realize it is 2012 already!…


Added by TennisWithD on March 1, 2012 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

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