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Playing the Big Points

As your level of play increases, simply keeping the ball in play may not be enough to win matches. The amount of control you have over the ball then becomes an important factor. Your shot placements can make all the difference. Maybe your opponent has good ground strokes and is able to effectively stay in every rally with you. If you have the ability to hit the ball short to…


Added by Steven White on November 23, 2011 at 3:57pm — No Comments

Me, Neal, Looking for a partner around Pleasant Hill~!

Hello everyone

I am Neal Huang, from china. This is first time I come here United State. I am a Junior in high school, have played tennis for 3years and looking for a tennis coach or a partner who can hit with me..~I am avilable on weekends whenever and living around pleasant hill CA..if someone want to hit with me, please contact me on 

Added by Yu Huang on November 21, 2011 at 12:13pm — 1 Comment

any tennis partner in G'town?


Looking for a partner to hit with in Georgetown/ N.Round Rock area.  email if you can hit after 4:30 weekdays and weekend mornings.


Added by Lisa Bush on November 19, 2011 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

Anatomy of a High School Tennis Section Champion Team (Part Two)

From defeating the second place team 5-2, when it easily could have been 4-3, we never again lost two matches to the 2nd place team.   That's a nice feeling.  We break our season down into four pieces.  1. Pre-Season Preparation. 2. First Half of League Season. 3. Second Half of League Season. 4. Post Season.   When you are planning all year for postseason, it's a lot less of a pressure feeling when you arrive.  It's a little tougher on teams that win league, but have not really thought "We…


Added by Bill Patton on November 18, 2011 at 9:29am — No Comments

Anatomy of a High School Tennis Section Champion Team (Part One)

I love high school tennis.  23 seasons of coaching high school tennis have been enough to this point, but if I can find a way to get back in, while still serving my club to the utmost, then I will. 

I think any high school coach can take something from this blog post. 

I had been coaching at Kennedy High School in Fremont, where we snapped the Boy's 37 match league losing streak, and the girl's 71 match league losing streak, and were featured on High School Sports Focus (a…


Added by Bill Patton on November 15, 2011 at 11:17am — 1 Comment

Weight Lifting

The weights don't lift themselves.  Now is a good time of year to get in the gym and do two things:

1. A six week toning regimen for very healthy muscles.  Tennis Specific?  Anywhere from 3 - 5 sets, of light weights and anywhere from 12-20 reps.    I like to start a weight at 3 sets of 12, then build up to the same weight at 4 sets of 15, then go up in weight.


2. Four week power lifting program.   After you get all toned, you can do the same excercises  2 or more sets…


Added by Bill Patton on November 14, 2011 at 2:32pm — No Comments

Ways to Win

What are the best ways to win a tennis match?  What do you need to achieve?  If you want a workout, thats one thing, but if you have multiple matches in a day, then conserving energy is very important especially for the junior player who may have two matches in a day, or the league player who drives from this match, to that one. 

1. Over Power your opponent.   If you can overpower your opponent, then do it!   Hit the big serve, get the short ball, stay in control of the point then hit…


Added by Bill Patton on November 11, 2011 at 9:53am — No Comments

Un-groove your opponent

Some players like to camp out on the baseline and send back a steady stream of deep crosscourt shots. When you are facing such an opponent, never let him get in a groove – he’s just waiting for you to make the error that’s going to give him the point. Remember that most tennis matches are decided by who makes the least errors, not the most winners. So, instead of trying to…


Added by Steven White on November 10, 2011 at 6:23pm — No Comments

Good Meetings with Good People.

It's great when we can meet to discuss our philosophies, mission statements, objectives, goals and find a common ground.   Then truly creative things happen and everyone gets energized.  


Added by Bill Patton on November 9, 2011 at 2:48pm — No Comments

$$ Clay Doubles 2012 $$

I am playing my quarter final match today against the home team. Literally in this guys back yard. Wish me luck! first place $1200!

There was an upset in the quarter finals yesterday but I am just focusing on this match. I will figure out what kind of good things happened to my draw after I win. …


Added by John Spoerl on November 8, 2011 at 11:00am — 9 Comments

Unified Direction

"It's amazing what you can accomplish, when no one is worried about who gets the credit"  Woodrow Wilson.  

Truly most of our best experiences come as part of a team.   When you do something alone in isolation, and want to share that with others, they many times find it hard to care.  However, when you and your teammate work together and could not have done it alone, each one covering the others weakness, then there a true excitement of WE did it. 

Every enterprise I take on,…


Added by Bill Patton on November 8, 2011 at 8:59am — 4 Comments

Hard Work pays off!!!

I love to see all the effort and hard work pay off for students. The past two weeks I've had the pleasure of seeing past and present junior students perform exceptionally well in their tournament outings. 13yr old boy winning an 18under tourney, two 9yr old girls meeting in the 12under semi's and the winner taking the tourney, and another 11yr old girl in the 14 finals. All these kids works extremely hard and now it's really starting to show, and I wish them more success in the future be it… Continue

Added by Hal Wagner on November 7, 2011 at 12:40am — 1 Comment

Rebuilding is a bad word? I hope not.

It's an interesting thing to rebuild something.  Like an engine of a car, there is a rebuilding process.  First you have to take everything apart, maybe insert some new parts, or simply clean an polish the parts that were still good.  Of course, during the time of the rebuild, the engine is not working, and you may have to use alternate modes of transportation for a while.   

If you use a sports team model of rebuilding, then you go through the process of having to develop chemistry…


Added by Bill Patton on November 6, 2011 at 7:31pm — No Comments

Selecting the right shot at the right time

Raw, young, talented players can often hit a variety of shots but have little sense when it comes to shot selection. This underestimated and under-practiced skill is so important that it alone can separate the levels in tennis.

Your mind will begin to operate much like a computer. For it to be able to work to your benefit, it must first be turned on, and then,…


Added by Steven White on November 5, 2011 at 2:09pm — No Comments

you want to hit?

fit 4.5 consistent player looking to hit weekdays (mornings). I'd love to hit in the neighborhood (mission hills, courts of west washington st.) but I'd consider other courts

Added by Inigo Yanguas on October 31, 2011 at 3:19pm — No Comments

looking for tennis partner

Looking for tennis partner to play after 6 PM

Hwy 6 & 290 area

text me @ 281-772-9279

Added by fred agharokh on October 31, 2011 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Senior Tennis

I am excited today to host my first ever senior tennis clinic.  Of course, I have had quite a few students who were advanced in years, but this is the first ever official program just for seniors.  These will be some 3.0/3.5 guys.   

Anecdote:  I had a 75 year old guy who only wanted to hit, and the rule was "I can hit it anywhere, but you Bill, must hit it to my Forehand.  And don't piss me off, or I am out of here".    That was a weekly 'lesson' for  years.   It turns out my…


Added by Bill Patton on October 31, 2011 at 8:01am — 1 Comment

Unexpected Phone Calls

I got a call from Alan "" Margot.   Truly a great friend that I do not see enough.   Alan was looking for a placement for a family who lives in my area, to save them a drive to where he teaches.   It was nice of him to think of me.   

One of the great things about Alan is that he hosts tennis trips to cool spots for 4.0-5.0 level players.   3 hour morning clinic workout, big lunch, 2 hours of killer doubles in the afternoon, great dinner, then some adult beverages at…


Added by Bill Patton on October 29, 2011 at 10:14am — No Comments

How to slide into a forehand

This takes some practice, and you want to start gently, because sliding the wrong way can easily turn an ankle. One important tip is to keep your front foot pointed somewhat into the direction of your slide. It's the one that's likely to catch in the clay and suffer a turned ankle. The back foot can afford to be sideways, because it will skip over any catches in the clay instead of getting jammed into them. Here’s a good illustration of how to slide into a forehand on clay. Note how the…


Added by Steven White on October 28, 2011 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

A brief history of me...part deux

I love Michael Jordan, "I succeed because I failed".  

I tried out for my high school tennis team as a senior in high school, I had begun playing again toward the end of my junior year.  I was ready, but...  I got the flu the week before tryouts and barfed for days, lost 10 pounds, and ONE challenge match.  Losing that match 6-4 meant I did not make the team.  Something better came... I ran track instead and made lifelong friends, and learned about become a true athlete.  By the…


Added by Bill Patton on October 27, 2011 at 11:35am — 4 Comments

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