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  • Waco, TX
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mikeindo's Discussions

2017 HoF ballot: Roddick and Clijsters?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mark / The Mayor Aug 23, 2020. 1 Reply

Wimbledon in 3D!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mark / The Mayor Mar 8, 2011. 1 Reply


Tennisopolis' Lt. Governor

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Mark / The Mayor replied to mikeindo's discussion '2017 HoF ballot: Roddick and Clijsters?'
"Absolutely cousin Mike! Did they both get in?  No brainer!"
Aug 23, 2020

Profile Information

I am a:
Tennis Fan
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Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Played 'seriously' since about 12, played on high school team, played college intramurals, played some USTA summer tournaments, but now have only played twice in the last two years!! Also, I'm a site admin for our website here,! And now I'm a "pro" in Wii Tennis!
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Boris Becker, Sampras, Federer, Ivanisevic, James Blake, Edberg, Bernd Karbacher, Richie Tenenbaum.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.0
On the court, I am a:
chip-n-charger, watcher, singles player, serve-n-volleyer, acer, one-hander
Relationship status:

Mikeindo's Articles

Posted on March 29, 2010 at 11:57pm 6 Comments

What the heck happened to our favorite pro tennis pick-ems at It's like the site went dark...

Safin back?

Posted on February 20, 2010 at 1:04am 0 Comments

I had to laugh when I read that Marat Safin has already decided to return to tennis, except on the Champions Tour. The Champions Tour? Can you say "sandbagging"?

Fed milestones and records

Posted on July 6, 2009 at 11:51pm 2 Comments

With all due respect to Andy Roddick (and he's bound to get even more), all seems right in the tennis world again after Roger Federer's win on Sunday. He's back as the Wimbledon champion and back as the #1 ranked player. Other milestones or records he has broken and set so far this summer: 20th and 21st consecutive Grand Slam semifinal appearances (record), 5th and 6th consecutive Grand Slam final appearances, 20th career Grand Slam final appearance (record), 6th man to achieve the career Grand… Continue

Kids' tennis outing today!

Posted on March 5, 2009 at 12:04am 0 Comments

I took the kids (6 and 3) to a college tennis match today and they behaved surprisingly well, all things considered! I reviewed the scoring and some of the basics of the game to my son and was happy he seemed to listen and then even asked a couple questions! He even pointed out, "It's better to watch tennis in real life than on TV." Indeed!

Paris AMS bracket challenge

Posted on October 24, 2008 at 9:18am 6 Comments

Hey since all but one of us missed the last bracket challenge for Madrid, let see if we can finish the year with a bang by getting a good amount of entries for the last AMS event of the year in Paris! The tournament starts Monday but today is the first day of submitting your entries on I'm sure this is the page where they'll put the link.

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At 2:49pm on May 23, 2011, Mark T. gave mikeindo a gift
At 12:12am on September 21, 2010, Lendl Jr. (4.5) said…
Hey Mike,
thanks for the response. I recently got my Adidas racquets out of mothballs and have started to hit again. The only problem is that its hard to find sawdust these days!!! I love leaving piles of it all over the courts back in the day.

At 11:30pm on August 3, 2010, Mark / The Mayor said…
Hey Mike! Thanks for pointing that member to the right spot. How are things? Ready for the Open?
At 12:00pm on February 21, 2010, Mark / The Mayor said…
Thanks for entering our Tennis Trip Giveaway. UPDATE: The drawing is set for February 28th. Before the deadline, be sure to earn all the entries you can: 3 new ways to earn extra entries:

Follow tennisopolis on Twitter - (earns 1 extra entry)
Follow itUSA on Twitter - (earns 1 extra entry)
Tweet this on Twitter - (earns 3 extra entries):

#Giveaway: Win trip to Scottsdale Hyatt Regency. Inlcudes plane tix, Hyatt, and #tennis lessons for 2! Enter here:

Then post a comment on claiming your extra entries and we will verify. Good luck!
At 10:59am on November 24, 2009, Mark / The Mayor said…
At 7:10am on May 18, 2009, Mark / The Mayor said…
We need to gear up for the French Open bracket challenge. Hows your schedule look? Can you organize that this time? Let me know, because I can get you started.
At 10:12am on December 13, 2008, Mark / The Mayor said…
I love that! I just saw the Lt, Governor title!
Are you ready to introduce some legislation?
At 10:11am on December 13, 2008, Mark / The Mayor said…
Played much tennis lately?
At 7:09pm on September 12, 2008, GraphiteMachete said…
Thanks buddy. Can't wait for the racquet to arrive. Take care.
At 9:45am on August 24, 2008, Mark / The Mayor said…
Hi mikeindo, now we gots prizes!

The US Open is already here, so NOW is the time to come make your picks in the US Open Bracket Challenge sponsored by Avery Tennis.

Little known facts:
1. It's free.
2. It's fun.
3. The Grand Prize is a new Avery M3 Control racquet.
4. Do I need any more reasons?
5. It's more fun to follow the tourney when you have points at stake.
6. Bragging rights.
7. OK, I'm all out...

Come fill in your bracket, more info here.

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