Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Rules for contest:

  1. the Video should only be about 10 seconds long.( rule Change 1 min is good too.... )
  2. The video must be a single shot.
  3. The View point will be a Back View.
  4. The Service Side will be Deuce for right handed players. and Advantage Side for Left handed players.
  5. Proper serving from base line( so if you foot fault you are disqualified ) & Faults do not count so don't submit.
  6. Only Personal submissions,( the real you and your kick ) no other videos from Pros Example Federer's 4 Kick Serve aces against Pistol Pete. 
  7. Contest Starts MAY 1st, Submissions due by May 29 th,  May 30 th I will pick a Winner ( i am disqualified from winning but I can Submit. I look forward to your votes though.)
  8. You can only submit one video. If you post & Remove and post again and I catch you. you are disqualified.
  9. Winner will receive by mail a Tee-Shirt that Says KICK ASS on the back and KICK on the front. oh yeah im gonna make it so don't expect great quality.  but it will be free.

Quality of the kick Serve: Height of the bounce, Curve & Kick, And Where the second bounce lands.



Clay courts do not count due to lines changing directions. Cracks in tennis courts do not count Either. All Surfaces must be a hard court.


Good Luck.



CoachV - William Vazquez 404-829-4660


you win bragging rights... for now. Anybody out there want to be a Sponsor...... Mark any ideas?



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This sounds like fun!  Everyone get your cameras ready!


Kick serve video Challenge entries are due between Ma1st and May 15th.
Our team may sponsor it and a lil more. Mark & V shoot me a pm.
please Do I will do a collage of all the Videos & add your Link and Logo to it.
only 13 more days till Contest ends.
So we're just looking to post a sweet kick serve? That's going to be harder on the deuce side for us righties.
That is correct. Tennisopolites trying to recreate the Kick serve above will learn to do it through Trial & Error. ( its a secret, but I am trying to teach players across the US to do a real kick serve. Don't tell anybody. ok )  But Federer is disqualified from winning because the court surface is carpet and not a hard court. The Surface does help demonstrate what a kick serve is though.
Coach, show us the real deal kick serve
I have Extended the Contest due date.
The Prize is a tee-shirt! YAA

that's a sick kick serve.



I want to see Coach V's kick serve and be able to compare it to John Spoerl's. Just for kicks.


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