Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Being lucky to receive 4 free tickets to the McEnroe Challenge exhibition on March 7th, before the main event of March 9-22, I was wondering how many Tennisopolis members were going this year. Please post the day you may be going and perhaps we can make this event even more social!

EDIT BY MARK:  FYI.   There is another thread on this here:

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Getting hitched that week. we can make it next year



The perfect honeymoon.  :-)

Congrats, Chin!

As long as it's getting hitched to a woman, not a truck. lol Congratulations!

I will not make it this year. Sorry GUYS maybe next year.

There's an echo in here - and it comes back every 12 months. 

I know it is hard with young kids, but I look forward to the day you make it.


I will make it next year. Now that i have a real job, new ish car that can survive the trip and im working on making a documentary about making the trip to iw to meet u all. Wait for my indegogo campaign and then market market and market. And then i will b there.

Dude, when are we gonna have us some park tennis? lol

Great idea, Tim!

My family is going to be there on the middle weekend.  Probably Thurs, Fri, Sat, and Sun.

I have day and night tickets to all days. 


I'm going to try to get Saturday tix off my friend. Saving my money and not buying a 4th racquet just yet.

I would say BNP tix are far more important than a 4th stick, amybe even a 3rd stick.  I get by with 2 just fine.  Hope we can get together and hit again this year.

Yeah, I am going to lay off on the 4th stick for now. Probably going to go out there either Saturday or Sunday. Thursday is a slim possibility. Be great to hit with you and a few Tennisopolites. Maybe Bobby Burchell?


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