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I would like custom made. Excact include my grip size etc. Does anyone know an address who can do that?




Pieter de Rooij (the Netherlands)

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it depends on where you are located? if you are in NYC you can go to Roland polks ( spelling may be incorrect on the name ) you can choose your frame EX: Wilson Head Dunlop what ever racquet design you like. they will custom everything and test it With all the special machines.  but it can be costly. Example about 9/10 years back I was playing with PROkennex Type-C Rod Laver ( grey color ) I still own it. The Grip handle glue broke or or there wasn't enough to keep it together the cork of the handle that is..... I went to Roland to see if they would just  glue it back together. They didnt, give me any glue, but they did try to sell me a customized grip for my exact hand measurements and type. ( ex. longer finger Etc.... ) that alone would cost at that time $350..... all i need is glue.  I listen to the sales Pitch, everything made sense. except that i only needed glue so i left.  If you go there you can definitely get a truly customized racquet.

they have some companies out there that say they provide customized racquets, but what they have is different racquet lines as you put in what you want they start to show they racquet line closest to it.  the Better line of finding a customized Customized racquet closer to the classic specs of older racquets will be Donnay. There is a new Wilson line coming out for 2014. Which i will learn more about today. if you are interested in learning about it. contact me back.

Hi William,

Are you more of the Wilson line? Since I live in Europe, I am looking for someone in Europe where I can go for a customized handle by.

Hi.  You should check out Vantage Tennis.  They are super customizable racquets.  You can even choose grip shape, american or european.

Does anyone know if these people are good? My concern mainly the grip size and shape.


Pieter de Rooij (the Netherlands)

Boswort famous. Ive got a bradgilbert fox Bosworth.

Oh yeah, this is supposed to be a really good brand.  Martina plays with it - oh, and Radel Stepanek too.

Thank you!
I sent them an email and asked if they can make. Grip custom I'm curious. When you are in the U.S., there are several that can do that. In Europe I have not found them yet. While I have been much sought after. I need three rackets handle custom made​​. I wonder what there for P1 calculated .. Any ideas?

Roland polks has an office in the UK Somewhere.


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