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I heard From the Grape Vine that HEAD will provide a Completely Customized Racquets. That Means If you want a head racquet that plays like the Wilson Prostaff ninety with the same Specs you can get one..... but at a Price.   So I went to Gone through their Customize program

I Basically Built my Wilson PROStaff 90's With a Give of a couple of grams to my likes.

Here is the WTH Specs

NOw This is Where it Gets Fun.... I need a Minimum of three Racquets Because I am a Active Tournament player and Tennis coach.... and this is the PRICE for 3 Wilson PRostaffs by HEAD.

WHat THE HELL HEAD!!!!!!!!!

Do you think this is a Good Deal Who Will BUY THIS?


i cant afford that.....

There are so many racquet companies out there. it is Cheaper to shop around to get what you like. Again for me the Wilson PRo Staff is a classic racquet. they made it a better with extending the 85 to 90, and you can still get the 85.... And this years 2014 Prostaff 90 is a must have for me!

But im Willing to change companies for the betterment of my game....but for $1200 doesn't seem worth it...for $1200 I can hire a Personal trainer at the GYM for 1 year and get better at tennis that way. or Spend $450 buck for 3 Wilson Prostaff 90s and Spend half the year training with a trainer. this way i get both.

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So this is basically a pro room racquet? With your specs? lol

Pro Room????? Its the Wilson Prostaff 90 Specs that i Own already.

Pro room racquets are custom made for pros. Wilson and Head each do this for a heavy cost to the regular public. But why bother making a Speed Pro play like a Pro Staff? Even if they leaded it and balanced it and miraculously got the swingweight right, the frame itself will flex at different points anyway. Won't play the same way.

I was just testing the site, also by making a speed the exact weight and balance as the prostaff  there will be no trasition, the feel might be a bit different but not by much, Imagine having a PRoStaff with a 98 square inch head and a choice of 18x20 or 16x19. OH Wait they do that already with a 95 Head, But missing the weight.....THANKS #Wilson!

Hey I have had a chance to hit with some HEAD pro room racquets......guess what..... it still plays tennis the same way store racquets do...... FYFI jk

V your missing the point. Custom rackets are custom made how you want them and yes they come at a preimum. The point of getting a custom racket is not to make it play like anothr production racket but rather to make it play exactly how you like it. If you like the Wilison PS then dont order a custom racket by Head buy the wilison PS. However, when you come off a demo session saying I love the weight and balance of the Prince O3 black but I wish it flexed like the Head Radicial but I like the grip shape/feel that Babolat makes....then you fork out the money for a custom racket Prince dose this kind of thing to I think.

But I agree with your premise that if your going to invest 1200 bucks in your game racket is not the place you are ever going to get the most bang for your buck hire a coach or a trainer, 1,200 is at least 18 priviate lessons. However, I would put to you that the biggest investment you can make to see actual improvment in your game is not monetary at all but rather an investment of time. A certian amount of cash is nessary to be a top level tennis player however I dont think anyone regardless of how much cash they have can ever simply buy thier way into a higher rating.    

IM not missing the point Chris, IM making one. besides you play with prokennex.

If you need to find a racquet go on a demo program its still cheaper than $400. most demo programs allow you to buy in, so you can demo lets say 15 different racquets. you can find one that will work perfectly.  All you are buying here is a the name head.  I was playing with one of the top juniors in the south this week. he has a donald young racquet. it has a paint job on it to look like the old liquid metal radical. but its a prestige line 98. an earlier version & its bad in my opinion. I am gonna let the boy try my old prince graphite originals. Which is what that bad head clone is based on. Kinda.... again... a demo program will be cheaper than buying custom racquets.

I think Christopher hit the nail on the head.  This service (and remember it's a service not a racquet that you are paying for) is meant to develop a unique racquet not a copycat of another brand.  Why have a one-off racquet made when there is another factory down the road cranking that same racquet out on an assembly line?  I actually think $400 sounds like a very fair price given the added time it must take Head.

I just don't think I'd benefit from a gram here or there.  In other words, my game would improve most if I put that $1200 into gym time or ball machine time... and maybe weekly service lessons.

well spend the money like this......$400 to the pro of your choice, and spend that $400 only on drop in drills and some private lessons. so average private lesson is $50 an hour use that time wisely to improve technique & bio-mechanics.

  Practice what you do by playing matches( free with friends) leagues$$ Tournaments$$ might lose another $100 for that. you are left with $700

Buy a trainer for $300 for like 2 months and have a plan that you can continue alone with out the trainer....that leaves you $400 Get on a demo program with buy in option, and when you find the right racquet for you buy 2 of those.... there might even be some money left over for a beer.   I wouldn't do a ball machine unless you cant find anyone to play with.  but even then, the ball machine you can buy and make money back on buy having your own drop in drill for like $5 $10 bucks an hour.

because lets say like this..... what if....a racquet company makes a racquet you play great with just like the customized one you buy from head.... except that the one you find later is like $150.

And dont tell me that racquet companies dont do that.  Because every racquet company even head has like 20 different racquets that are like mike said grams off here are there.

But if the CUSTO's head racquets are a better quality, and not just customized, then its like buying a

VW vs Bugatti, its the same company different level of quality. Even that is based on your level of finance & what you use it for.... the everyday car rider is not riding his bugatti to go to work at MC'e'Dees

Still customization is cool. That's why I spent the extra dough on the Zoom Vapor IX ids.

well shoes I do believe in customizing. finding the perfect fit. and they have more then 1 use.  its also medically sound.

Yeah, customization is the future.  It's happening with shoes, iphones, and I just saw a brand on Shark Tank that offers fully customized bicycles that you "build" online.  And Jazz, what do you think of Head's $400 price?


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