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Battle of the Pros: Who had a better backhand and why?

Andre Agassi vs. Novak Djokovic

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Are you sure that these are the two best, Peter?  I like Murray's fluid motion and power he can generate.  But between AA and ND, I'd have to go with ND - I just think he's got more power, but my memory on AA might be fading. 

I can't pick between Novak and Andre ... They both have two amazing backhands. Andy has a great one too but yes I think your memory of Agassi 's backhand is fading.. It was a thing of beauty

Another player that has a kick A 2 hander is, errrr.... was David Nalbandian.  I used to love to watch him practice at Indian Wells.  So smooth, so powerful.  Pop! Pop!

yes he had a great one

Djokovich Because he is faster, Can hit open stance. THE GREAT Agassi could only hit closed mostly do to back injury...he can hit open when it Comes to him.... also NOLE is taller so its not a issue of better but an issue of effectiveness.  The Backhand of Agassi was effective when he was playing on returns but if you pulled him wide enough he would have to go for the shot because the recovery time needed to come back into the court after a cross step. nole can just reach and hit open allowing him to get back into the court plus the speed allowed Nole to Hit a Neutralizing ball instead of going for it...OR go for it if he wanted to....

I agree Coach are right...Novak is a real life Gumby which might give him the edge...

nole's backhand is the best I have ever seen.

Agassi's backhand was amazing and he had finishing power off that wing.

nole just takes it to another level. nole's height helps. he gets the benefit of leverage.

hard to argue that 

same can be said about their forehands:

Agassi's forehand was lethal. nole's forehand is even more lethal because of the added leverage and better movement.

novak is pretty awesome...

To fairly compare AA and ND's backhands, the assessment is which player's stroke produced more power and accuracy.  The argument that ND's is better b/c he's a better mover (which is true), which allows him to hit better backhands on the run is more about his movement than the stroke itself.  All that said, I feel that ND's backhand is more consistently powerful, accurate, and lethal when either player is hitting it when balanced and set.

Based on my criteria above, I feel that AA's forehand is superior.

When people talk about what makes AA legendary, they will talk about his forehand.  When people talk about what was special ND during his prime, they will talk about his movement and heart.  I remember the old days when the commentators would say "When you see that backhand down the line from Agassi you know he's confident."  We see that shot from ND all day everyday, not only when he's confident.

I think I agree with everything you said here, Paul.  Wow, that rarely happens!  Good points.


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