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That's what I heard......nadal I hear removed the leather grip and uses two layers of overgrip instead? Hear his grip size is a 4 1/4 but after removing the original grip must be exceedingly small....for more control?

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Nadal does this for more freedom of wrist action, which gives more spin. So you could say he gets more control through spinning the ball. I used to use 1/2 or 5/8 up until last year. But since I now swing more Nadal type forehands, I use 3/8. Much more spin possible without making my balance go too head heavy with 1/4.
One note about the aeropro Is that their grips are a little larger a 4 3/8 is more of a 4 1/2 ....
Yes, that is how I understand it. The smaller the grip the more 'whippy' you can be with your racket head. Even imagine right now, trying crack a whip with a big thick handle. I don't know the mechanics but you can just feel that a larger grip is stiffer. The grip is matching the change in technique - therefore if your technique is more through the shots and flatter - then the old grip size is still fine :)
Thats how I understand it anyway :)
Hey thanks for the whip visualization - that worked for me.
I recently went down to 3/8 and love it on the groundies, but have found it difficult to find the right grip position on the serve. Very weird.
Hey Mark, Grip size, Grip (eastern, western etc) and also the position of the pad of your hand make a massive difference. The old traditional way of lining up your knuckle on the flt or ridges of your grip only look at one end of your hand. Play around with keeping your knuckle in the same spot and moving the pad (the little finger end) around on the bottom of the grip.
On your serve play around with dropping your little finger off the end of the racket all together. Pat Rafter has been doing this from a very young age. His brother Geoff and I were all talking about it. They have been doing it their whole life..
2 things happen.. Less fingers means more whip.. also the angle of the hand (like I was talking about at the top of this message) actually changes.
Have a play.. I'd be keen to hear how it goes for you :)

Michael is definitely right. Leaving the pinky off or reducing the tension of the pinky and the adjacent finger does produce greater whip. I have one community college student who holds the racquet with only three fingers. He has a tremendous serve.

I agree....depends on your style of play...your's individual....:)
sounds like a trend!

Also note that there are different grips as well. from Round to oval. I have been using a 4 grip for my entire tennis career. With the K-factor tour- 90's I use the grip feels smaller than the the ncode and more rounded like a prince racquet & the new blacks are more oval like the ncode, with my new Wilson sponsorship I will switch to the 3 grip because the 4 feel bigger.
I don't think I have ever seen oval grips.....they have been only round the ones I have used....btw most racquets have ridges (sides).... Do you or anyone you know do away with it and just make it away with it...
yep I have former tour pro mates who will only use one brand of racquet because they dont like some grip shapes. For example Prince is much rounder than Head

Some people are putting customized rounder Wilson handles on Head racquets. Of course, it takes work to do that.


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