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So I just got my tennis racquet restrunged, for $30. I had told him that I wanted more control. (My tennis racquet is a Prince O3 Speedport 116 fyi.) The next day I pick up my racquet, I used it to play and it was pretty good. I was pretty bored and looked at my strings, and in small words on one of the strings it had said "Head Synthetic Gut pps 16." I searched that up on the internet, and it is only $3.99. So is the labor of restringing that much, or is it that I got ripped off? Well, another thing is that this was taken place in a tennis club, and I was not a club member. So basically in that $30, a service fee of $10 had been charged.

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There ARE less expensive stringers out there. We have a fantastic, world-class, stringer here that used to travel with the pros. He charges about 30 bucks labor. I get my racquet strung by a young tennis fanatic/ college student that charges me 10 bucks plus the string cost. I hope that answers your question. :-)
So in my situation, I was being charged more for the labor of getting it stringed. I have heard of places like Sports Authority that will string your racquet for free if you just buy the strings.
Yeah, but those guys charge you 20 or 25 bucks for the strings. It is just a numbers game. I think that place could be an improvement, but I suggest you post in the local Tennisopois group discussion forum looking for a stringer. Many avid tennis players string for others as a hobby and side money maker. Try it!


William Doan said:
So in my situation, I was being charged more for the labor of getting it stringed. I have heard of places like Sports Authority that will string your racquet for free if you just buy the strings.
I don't know which are the prices in USA but usually here (Bucharest, Romania) If I buy the strings I get the stringing for free as bonus (at Babolat official shop). A Hybrid set (Babolat Hurricane Tour with Xcell) it costs around 17 Euro/ 23 USD and in these money the stringing is included. So in your case I think you payed way too much for that.

By the way, if I want something cheap I can get a Pro's Pro stringing with something similar with Black Code for around 10 USD.

In the end I think you payed too much as far as the strings were really cheap.
Wow that is a lot. If you are questioning the labor price, then for less than a new racquet you can buy yourself a stringing machine and pay 3.99 for that same string job doing it yourself. Also stringing for your buddies will get your stringing machine investment in about 15 restringing (assuming you'll charge $10 for labor) ;)
unfortunately, no you didn't get ripped off. That is the Stringing market. if you would like a more affordable way to string your racquest you have several Options. 1 buy a cheap stringer and string it yourself. there is a learning cure for first time stringers. it took me a 4 years to perfect stringing with a clippermate stringer.

After and around year 4 with the klippermate I can string better than that of the most expensive stringer around. the problem was the drop weight. It took me about 1+hours to do a perfect job.( more than an hour with poly & with racquets that had weird string patterns or head shape)

If you purchase a more expensive stringer the time is cut down and you can get it done in about a half an hour doing a perfect job. but remember that you will be spending 4 years learning how to string well with any stringer.

So right now if you buy a good stringer you will spend about 1100.00 or more. you can get cheaper one less than that but you are still looking at about 500 to 700 dollars for a fast one. or 200 for the hard old drop weight.

Electronic stringers usually are constant pull machine. Cranks are not - and don't always hold great tension. Drop weights are constant pull.

So imagine, you buy a good portable electric constant pull like my Gamma Xes( first edition ) you drop $1100 Add shipping you are now at $-1150+ in the hole. You buy your strings... lets say ten packs, because they are easier & faster to learn to string with in the beginning. So 4 x 10 = $40 plus shipping $50 you are now you are at $-1200 and have ten packs of string. 10x30 = $300 - $50 = $+250 - $1150. you are in the hole $-900, you will have to restring your racquets about 50 times before you break even and don't forget that it will also take you more than an hour time loss ( minus how much you make an hour working (me i make around $36 an hour teaching on court ) then minus half an hour of what you make an hour after three years( so after three years of stringing it cost me $18 per racquet). So I make per Racquet about $5 to $10 dollars after string cost.( woo hoo im rich) and that how you save money ( or make ) on stringing.

if you don't have the time, monies to purchase string or a machine. $30 is a great convenience. I not agreeing that you didn't get ripped off, this is the business of stringing.

I string racquets for my clients I charge about $25 for my tournament strings and try to get the racquets back in a day at most or the next time we have a lesson. ( if any of my students see this post I'm in trouble, I've been late recently because of looking for regular work.).

I also only carry a small variety of Strings. I don't have the "quote unquote" the top of the line strings that can reach about $15 dollars a pack or $200 a reel. Since I'm limited in what I have and because I don't string all the time, I charge about $20 for the Regular strings I don't play with and its industry standard to string with the customers strings anywhere between 10-12 dollars, I charge about 10 or ( 8+ if i know the client) if its one of my regular students I take care of them and charge about 15 to 20 for my for my Tournament Strings. I also make deals with clients that Buy strings. So some deals, the client pays nothing for me to string their racquet. Its also part of my teaching services to manage what the player plays with and how its strung.

Now lets talk about Club business in general. IT doesn't cost me anymore to string. its all profit after about 6 years. but My stringer is put away, its not plugged in taking electricity. I don't have to pay someone to hang out all day waiting for a tennis racquet. I do pay rent but not 2 rents, the other rent is for the retail space or club space. If I don't have the string a client wants I don't get the business. So clubs buy more string than that they can sell. so string that don't sell waste money bringing up the cost for other strings and the service. That's why the club did you in, its business nothing else, and like anything if you don't like go shop elsewhere, but like I said earlier, that is the stringing business... So find a friend or pro that will make a deal with you or go into business for yourself.

I hope that I have been a service to you today.
Please Visit me at and fill out the contact for and make a review, about my service to you.
Have a blessed Day
William Vazquez

PS here is a great place to learn about stringing. its a UK www owned site but I go there for research since 2003 and its free
30 dollars for a basic synthetic gut string is not unheard of but I would say you didnt exactly get a good deal either. I think it also depends on the market your in. I offer my clients professional stringing services by a MRT certified stringer and I use Babolat computerized stringing machines and my labor cost is 20.00 so I would also charge 30 for what you got, hopefully it wasnt strung on a basic crank machine....
CoachV - William Vazquez said:
unfortunately, no you didn't get ripped off. That is the Stringing market. if you would like a more affordable way to string your racquest you have several Options. 1 buy a cheap stringer and string it yourself. there is a learning cure for first time stringers. it took me a 4 years to perfect stringing with a clippermate stringer.

After and around year 4 with the klippermate I can string better than that of the most expensive stringer around. the problem was the drop weight. It took me about 1+hours to do a perfect job.( more than an hour with poly & with racquets that had weird string patterns or head shape)

If you purchase a more expensive stringer the time is cut down and you can get it done in about a half an hour doing a perfect job. but remember that you will be spending 4 years learning how to string well with any stringer.

So right now if you buy a good stringer you will spend about 1100.00 or more. you can get cheaper one less than that but you are still looking at about 500 to 700 dollars for a fast one. or 200 for the hard old drop weight.

Electronic stringers usually are constant pull machine. Cranks are not - and don't always hold great tension. Drop weights are constant pull.

So imagine, you buy a good portable electric constant pull like my Gamma Xes( first edition ) you drop $1100 Add shipping you are now at $-1150+ in the hole. You buy your strings... lets say ten packs, because they are easier & faster to learn to string with in the beginning. So 4 x 10 = $40 plus shipping $50 you are now you are at $-1200 and have ten packs of string. 10x30 = $300 - $50 = $+250 - $1150. you are in the hole $-900, you will have to restring your racquets about 50 times before you break even and don't forget that it will also take you more than an hour time loss ( minus how much you make an hour working (me i make around $36 an hour teaching on court ) then minus half an hour of what you make an hour after three years( so after three years of stringing it cost me $18 per racquet). So I make per Racquet about $5 to $10 dollars after string cost.( woo hoo im rich) and that how you save money ( or make ) on stringing.

if you don't have the time, monies to purchase string or a machine. $30 is a great convenience. I not agreeing that you didn't get ripped off, this is the business of stringing.

I string racquets for my clients I charge about $25 for my tournament strings and try to get the racquets back in a day at most or the next time we have a lesson. ( if any of my students see this post I'm in trouble, I've been late recently because of looking for regular work.).

I also only carry a small variety of Strings. I don't have the "quote unquote" the top of the line strings that can reach about $15 dollars a pack or $200 a reel. Since I'm limited in what I have and because I don't string all the time, I charge about $20 for the Regular strings I don't play with and its industry standard to string with the customers strings anywhere between 10-12 dollars, I charge about 10 or ( 8+ if i know the client) if its one of my regular students I take care of them and charge about 15 to 20 for my for my Tournament Strings. I also make deals with clients that Buy strings. So some deals, the client pays nothing for me to string their racquet. Its also part of my teaching services to manage what the player plays with and how its strung.

Now lets talk about Club business in general. IT doesn't cost me anymore to string. its all profit after about 6 years. but My stringer is put away, its not plugged in taking electricity. I don't have to pay someone to hang out all day waiting for a tennis racquet. I do pay rent but not 2 rents, the other rent is for the retail space or club space. If I don't have the string a client wants I don't get the business. So clubs buy more string than that they can sell. so string that don't sell waste money bringing up the cost for other strings and the service. That's why the club did you in, its business nothing else, and like anything if you don't like go shop elsewhere, but like I said earlier, that is the stringing business... So find a friend or pro that will make a deal with you or go into business for yourself.

I hope that I have been a service to you today.
Please Visit me at and fill out the contact for and make a review, about my service to you.
Have a blessed Day
William Vazquez

PS here is a great place to learn about stringing. its a UK www owned site but I go there for research since 2003 and its free
I agree its a great site to learn more about strings


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