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Do you play with your poly strings until they break or snip them at the 10 or 20 hr mark?

Lately, my habit is to just string a full poly setup at 61 lbs and use it until it is half way notched. I hit very smoothly so I don't break polys for more than a month.

It is said that using polys until they break can cause arm problems. The resiliency is gone at the 10 hour mark on many of them. Others lose it at 6, then some can last for 20.

A recent poll taken showed that 65% just use them until they break. Are you one of the 65%?

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Just had 10hrs out of Pacific Poly force and have cut it out, it was still playing well tbh just starting to hurt my arm.

My usual full Alu setup @ 60lbs I cut out and restring 24hrs before each important match. SO i get a few hours out of each stringjob.

I know when this string is fresh I play at a certain level, if the string has lost its elasticity then my game deteriorates. The biggest sign I find for my poly strings going off is on second serve, I dont generate the spin and I tend to start hitting it long.

I cut out around 10-15hrs depending on the string. I use either a Gamma STT (sits in my bag) or an ERT (at home) depending and after a significant tension loss I'm done with that stringjob.
I was going to plunk the 25 bucks and buy the Gamma STT. But I'm too cheap. I just try to hear the pitch and judge.
They are 25bucks now! I remember getting one and it was around 15 or so I remember anyway. If you think those are bad the ERT 300 is a real money hole, I still haven't really forgiven myself for buying that.
I saw the ERT was $150. Heck, I'd rather have another PT280!
I almost exclusively use full poly. I tend to use it for about 2/3 hours then restring it. After about an hour of play most poly's will have lost 10% of their tension (as measured by an ERT). They then tend to stick around the same tension for a while, but for me with most poly's, 10% tension loss is a noticeable and significant difference. If I were to let the string break, I would tend to break it after about 12 hours play, but I never do that anymore as most polys have such poor tension stability that playability by that time is awful.

Three hours? No, thanks. I'll just learn to hit at the 10-15% loss/ new tension. j/k Well, if I really cared about a tournament, I would restring it more often.

Hmm, 61 lbs to 53 lbs is a good range for me though.

Yeah but Jaz is picky about his poly :)
Or his tension. He's a master stringer at Wimbledon and the Aegeon. He's got access and skill. ;)

I dont break strings as I hit so flat

Maybe if I weren't so addicted to spin, I'd be like Lendl Jr..
I usually cut it down at around 20 hours of play... I'm lately (last 3-4 months) using Signum Tornado (thinnest version) and I'm quite happy with them... I never keep a string until breaks.


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