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Chin Be (4.5) vs Tim Prapong (5.5) match at tennisopolis network


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Hmm, Chin. You really want to do this? 

Dave signing me up for a beating

The camera man need to have a good match.

Oh yea Tim, Chin Be love to play tennis.

ok whens the video being posted! X{

Coach you want to step in for me? This will all be but 10 mins, if not shorter. I'll give it my all hahaha

Wait, when did I get that 1.0 bonus?

Chin, you're a 3.5? 

Tim your a 3.5?

*searching for tennisopolis network on Canadian broadcasting*

Coach when Chin in town, the game is on. 

Tim, Chin Be is a 4.0 but has not been playing as often as before. Now he is getting back to play. 


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