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First time getting free tennis gear!

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Congrats John!

You using IG Prestige Pro with FXP strings, John? 

I guess I'm using what they gave me :)

I'd like a 16x19 but at least its small (93)

So you got the IG Prestige Mid. Great racquet. But yeah, the Pro is much better, for me at least. 16x19

Wouldn't be my first choices. Especially the strings and shoe's. But beggars can't be choosers

Nothin's better than free. I would never complain getting a free new Mid!

The "pro" is a 98 though. Too much Racquet head for me. I got the best option Head had to offer for ME.

In all the "yuba" video's I posted I am using this mid (earlier version)

93 w/ 16x19, like my RDIS, is hard to find. I have used a c10 pro, pb10 and I think there was a borris becker like this

Wasn't C10 Pro a 98? PB 10 mid is 93.

C10 may have been. I don't remember. That was 3 racquets and 5 yrs ago
I watch the ball better now I guess :)

Heck, I went from 93 back to 98. Using Head Pro Tour 280 again. Head's 1995 stick. lol

Nice John, hope you get all the other goodies. Just got my Wilson demo's and package, bag, 6 sets of strings, shoes, socks, and another stencil w/ink. I need to put in for my personal sticks, think I'll stick with 6.1 95's.


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