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Pretty disappointing show at the year's first Grand Slam.  All American singles players out before the second week. 

So, who are the up and coming and how long are we going to have to wait before they start showing during the second week. 

Andy, Fish and Serena are obviously not going to be around much longer.  How long will our drought be?

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You better ask Jason Lampione about that one. I think it's going to be four years until Jack Sock, Harrison, Falconi, McHale to make a mark.

Out of the bunch, I'd say once Sock gets his strategy and mental approach down, there's something. He has the potential and firepower of a Verdasco. McHale is scrappy with that topspin forehand and court sense. She's kinda Wozzy like, but a little more toppy.

But I don't see top 5 material out of them. Feel free to disagree, Jason. ;)  

Sock vs. Blake at the Natomas Challenger 2011. Sock lost 6-4, 6-2.

Good stuff Tim.  I think both Jack Sock and Ryan Harrison could possibly push into the Top 5 someday.  Ryan definitely has the fire.  Jack isn't too far behind and is a good sized young man.  Give them time.  I would agree with McHale for the women, but there could also be others that just aren't that well known yet.  They seem to spring in at an earlier age, but don't necessarily last as long.

Harrison's gotta smooth out that forehand. Sock's forehand is so much more technically right, although a little slappy with the high wrist takeback. I can only say Top 5 if the current Top 4 retires on time with their ascent, and there are no new contenders from other countries, which I doubt. Only way to know is to wait, really. 

Of all of them, I think McHale will go the highest.  She just knows how to win and this will only get stronger as she becomes a vet.

She's a sneaky angler, that's what I like about her. With oodles of topspin to boot.


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