Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Well Not completely free.

Heres HOW!

1. Go to Sports Authority

2. Say you are a Tennis Coach & Put as a work place.

3 They Will give you free Money towards Tennis Gear.

Use $10 Coupons for $30 Dollar Ticket Items like Sneakers Shirts and Training Equipment. 

Use $5 Coupons LIke So. I even have Images to prove it works.

1. Buy Wilson Over-grips 12 pack

Step 2. Use $5 off Coupon

Step 3 Buy with money.

Just under 50% off.

Views: 892

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Awesome, dude! I'm definitely doing this. I need some tennis stuff. Thanks, CoachV!!

OMG!!!, im definitely gonna do this next week!!!, what about items around 100 bucks, they give you just the 10 usd coupon?

Thanks man!

No I would use the 10% to 20% off coupons for items that much. Cause you will get $10 or more off.

Ok, im going to Sports Authorithy Today....maybe this apply to rackets too....ill let you know

Yes it does. but if you buy a aftermarket racquet thats under $100. use the $10 coupon.

Lol woah. Did those start at $12 for two over grips? Jeez

HAHA thats Funny. :)

no its 12 over-grips. so you get like 5 Free.after coupon deal.


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