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there is a new lady player in my doubles league (top 200 in the world)

She's pretty legit. Good player and perfectly nice unlike the last one. Plays for the sac Cap's. . She dropped her singles ranking 200 spots from 2010 to 2011. (From 600 to 400) and her doubles ranking 300 spots from 500 to 200. We had legit sets.Won the first set but was 1-3 down. The set I played with her we lost in a tiebreak. She fits right in. Yasmine schnack

Todd Stanley got the 18 tonight (won all 3 sets)

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You get the 18 tag if you have a night where you win all 3 sets. The vet dog tag is a little thicker and nicer

Those tags are cool - so, you must have a guy in charge of organizing the league; setting up all the schedules to make sure every one gets even play against all the others.  How many players are in your group again?

Is she the same person as Yasmin Schnack, who played at UCLA?

Here she is playing WTT with Vania King:

And ya that's her. Yasmine schnack... stupid spell check. I wonder how she will do. Finish in the top half? Maybe. Get an 18 this season? Maybe
She doesn't serve and volley so i think she is going to struggle a little. In mens doubles The only time not to serve and volley is never

You've got to keep us posted.  I wonder if she will learn to s-v during the course of the season.  How many are in your group total?

There are 12 slots.(in the black group) A few spots are split between two people. My usual open doubles partner is sitting out this 13 week season BC of a knee surge. His spot was swooped immediately. People really want to play in this thing.
Ya. She played for UCLA... she had her bruin gear on last night

Yasmin Schnack? Wow, you must be lucky playing with such a gorgeous girl. I still have the UCLA women's promotional flyers and man, she is a knockout.

Todd and I are playing her and Justin Garcia (#2 singles and #1 doubles for Davis)

J was not having a good deuce CT service game (Todd was owning him) j called for Yasmine to crouch in the I. Justin proceeds to blast a T-serve ace right over her head at 120+

Todd asks "oh... you must like that view better" I felt like it was inappropriate but still very funny


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