Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

I'm trying to build some buzz on facebook for Tennisopolis.  I couldn't think of anything extremely clever, so I figured giving away cool stuff always works!  I'm giving away a REAL Verdasco autograph first.  I need your help today;  To enter, just LIKE the post our our fb page.  And stay tuned, we're going to be having more giveways on fb in the near future.

Here's the link our FB page to enter:

Thanks guys!

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Hmm, maybe have a contest where people send in videos of their best points played. That would be real cool. It'd be kinda like America's Best Home Tennis Video. lol

I like it, but if you are like me, my best points don't get caught on tape - I'm lucky if one bystander sees it!  :-)

BTW, did you like the Verdasco post on fb yet?

Yup, I liked the Verdasco post. :)

Yeah, I tried videorecording for one night. When I edited the footage, I began to realize how many double faults there were among everyone I played. Takes up alot of space on my computer shooting in HD too.

Double faults will kill 'ya.  I DF'ed three times tonight in doubles; twice in one game - still won the game but, sheeeeeesh!

By the way, would you wear this orange shirt that Fernando is wearing in the picture?  I want a show of hands, who here would wear that?  I'll tell you my answer later.  :-)

Yeah, I definitely would wear the shirt on the left. Love the orange and yellow contrast. I probably would hesitate to wear the one on the right. I think I have that one already and I rarely wear that because it sticks out like a bottle of Sunny Delight. :)


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