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It's awesome that you posted this. I normally play a little closer to the alley side and the returner hits back across the court. I have been burned by the return down the line after moving over toward the middle too far.

Just last night I was thinking for my next doubles match of  faking toward the middle as if to poach and then sliding back in place for an easy put away volley when the returner goes down the line thinking that the alley will be wide open. You could mix it up and vary the fake direction.

I figure this tactic will either catch the return down the line, possibly cause an unforced error like in your video or just play out as normal. It will be very fun for sure. 

Thanks Mark

You are welcome.  Definitely mix it up; the free points you will get because the returner is thinking about you too much is reason enough.  Don't worry about getting burnt down the line;  I've read that if you are not passed DTL at least three times in a match then you aren't doing your job as an aggressive net partner.

That's great to hear. I thought I was managing the points poorly when the DTL shots got me. I am difinitley going to be mixing it up and having some fun with it. At the same time though, I will be aware of the same tactic being used against me. Man, this game we love sure can be a very mental game just like chess.

Hmm, interesting. I like the Aussie formation and even the straight I formation with the guy directly in front of the T. But this one is even positionally better. 


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