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I am about to mail back 2 pairs of baracade 6's and I hope they will replace them for me. I know to include a money order, my adress, the shoes and recipt. So far I have only gotten 1 pair back from my 3 attempts. Did anyone have a similar expierence? Can anyone offer advice? The store used to change them out for me but now I have to mail straight to adidas and it is causing me problems.

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Yeah,  I heard they are trying to tighten up the freebies.  I play with Barricades too.  I can't help you much though because it takes me about 8 months to go through the sole.  (Did this offer used to cover a full year?   Seems short now.)


I successfully got Wilson to replace a broken frame.  It never hurts to include a testimonial, "I am an avid Adidas fan - I will only play in Barricades and tell all my friends, blah blah blah...."


Good luck!

Not a bad idea. I wonder why I didn't get the others? Maybe they didn't meet the requirements but you could see the socks.

Adidas is tightening up for sure. It was easy when the store could do it. I feel like adidas is counting on me being lazy or forgetting.
And yeah, I feel like it used to be longer too
Do you play with 5's or 6's mark? The 6's last noticeably longer for me but they don't feel as good as the 5's. Too stiff and the synthetic leather piece up top kills it for me
I was wondering about that synthetic leather upper.

I mailed my Barricade V back and got two pairs back, one with a gigantic size 12 and one with a size 8 (my size) a week later. I think they knew they made a mistake and sent me an extra. I exchanged the first pair for the right size.

Nike never approves my warranty returns. I hope Adidas doesn't get as stingy. But I am returning to Nike because of the new CourtBallistec 3.3. The quality is now like the Barricades. 

I can't imagine my shoes were not "worn out"

Interesting to hear the nike is a little bit more stingy in that department
Very stingy. I had a full on two inch hole in the toe area. But they make up for it with the durability of the CB outsole. Lasts nearly twice as long as the Barricade V.


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