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I have a bunch of partners but the one that I do the most experimenting tennis strokes is my favorite. We spent a whole year not playing sets but trying to figure out different techniques together. Plus, we both like to practice serve and volley and both use the slice out wide serve. It also helps that we are both creative people. He's a film director, and I'm a poetry school grad. So our temperaments match. We are both Tauruses, too.

Anyhow, describe your favorite tennis partner, current or not. And the reasons why.

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I've been playing doubles with this guy Rick.  I really enjoy having him as a teammate.  He is a cool guy with a cool personality, so we mesh well together.   He is a 3.0 player, and is great practice for me since I am starting a mixed 7.0 doubles league in a couple of weeks.  I normally play singles with 4.0 or 4.5 players, but I am really starting to enjoy the whole doubles thing.
Sometimes, playing or instructing someone a few levels has given me insight into advanced technique. Doubles is a great tool to clean and tighten technique as well. Plus, it is more social and less solitary.

I tend to practise with a 1st division player. We play the odd tie break sets but the norm is to do drills. From warm up stuff to exercise drills. We then usually have a volley session. Then play a first to ten, best of three, game inside the two serving boxes which if you haven't done that i can tell you is rather tiring!
Its usually a good session that can last a few hours playing competitive rallies, sometimes with one or the other playing a defensive roll.
I don't play doubles with him he is a team above me. I have been playing doubles with a partner for my team and its been going well and hopefully this season we Will play together from the start.
I really love doubles now after finding it frustrating at the start. It can be very entertaining on a social level too.
Must be great to have a 1st division player for a partner. I don't have a regular partner who is above me and can't find one willing to let me improve to that level competitively. I'll just have to play tournaments and learn the hard way, I guess.


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