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Did he over achieve and put it all together for 2 weeks to win the us open?

Or has he been under achieving since?

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I think he is capable of doing so much more, he just falls short all the time.  Therefore, making him an underachiever.  I am a huge fan of his serve though!  It will be interesting to see how he does for the U.S Davis cup team in 2011.

This is such a difficult question.  I think with that big serve, and the huge forehand he used to have, that he should've won another major.  But then again, Roger came along.  BTW, what happened to Roddick's big forehand???   I think he has suffered from not having good coaches - or not having the right coach at the right time.  I wish he would have joined with Stefanki a few years earlier.


And would we be having this conversation if he would have won a couple more points against Fed in that famous W final?

Underachiever. Simply for the fact that he has the talent to win, but he needs to make a few adjustments.

No one's really afraid of his serve anymore but it's still a very potent weapon. The one thing that would help him the most (In my completely amateur opinion) is to flatten out that forehand and hit more through the court. He's hitting with way too much topspin and the ball is landing too short, giving his opponents too much time.

There was only 1 break of serve at Wimbledon.....

I like that logic.  You are right that we Americans put so much pressure on him.  We got spoiled having true home-grown champions Sampras and Agassi, and we just sort of expected Andy to take the reigns from them - no problem.   But big problem...

wow, interesting point.  Hmmmmm.  I can't say it was a "fluke", it's not easy to win a slam on a "fluke", but i totally see your point.

Tough call huh? It's one more than any of us have won.

Remember when he first started coming to the net all the time? That was good for a few laughs. He's way faster now though, he obviously works hella hard

Overachiever- I can't believe that walking serve won a slam

John, what do you mean by "walking serve"?

is there a you just right achiever? :)



I think with that big serve, he needs to follow that serve to the net!

his serve is too the time he gets 5 feet in the return is coming back lol



Exactly. He serves so hard that he can't get up in time. It's too bad he and Stefanski didn't repeat the same result at Wimbledon. His loss to Lu did something.

yea i thought he would be soo pumped...and im sure he was but losing to Luu...prolly hurt his confidence so much...he just cant seem to get on a roll...




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