Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Yo! Watch the match and chat along with other fans here on the big 'opolis! Just click the live chat button in the bottom bar. Let's rally the troops and get as many as we can. Spread the word. Can't wait for it!

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Where are all the vids!
when is next tennis coming on tv ?

there used to be talking with someone by being on this page, i guess called chatting, where is that window or page ?
GavinC360 said:
Where are all the vids!

Gavin, click on the Pics & Vids tab.
leela said:
when is next tennis coming on tv ?

there used to be talking with someone by being on this page, i guess called chatting, where is that window or page ?

Leela, the chat is still here - and it is even better now.
It is in the bottom bar of every page.
Click the up arrow icon down there.
Not sure when the next tv tennis is, but we will definitely be chatting lots during the French Open.
Is Djokovic's grip western or semi western?
Maybe semi-semi-western.
I'd say it is western, but not "extreme western".

John Zhao said:
Is Djokovic's grip western or semi western?
Djokovic used a full western, it is extreme..... if you stop at about 13 seconds on the video below and take your tennis racket have the face parallel to the floor and the palm of your hand on the racket will be facing 9 o'clock (right hander). Its a dip and drive forehand unlike Nadal's full western which trajectory is much more low to high. Nadals follow thro is over the shoulder where Nole's is across his body.

also you can see on this too how extreme the grip is:

Madrid masters is just started, all the top players are there. Its on clay and Murray is now #3 in the world so doesnt have to meet Nadal til hopefully the final.

Also what is interesting is Fed is defending 700 pts here, Murray I think won last year and Nole was in the semis. Over the next few tourneys that second spot will be a very close run thing.....
Gavin, the Vids are under the tab called Pics & Vids - there is a drop down menu there, See it?

GavinC360 said:
Where are all the vids!
Is anybody going to be watching the final of the year end championship?
We should chat along live here. Look for the chat bar at the bottom of the screen.


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