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I've heard that the pros are playing with smaller grips these days. I think Nadal plays with a 4 1/4 (2) and Roger plays with a 4 3/8 (3). Growing up I played with a 4 5/8 (5), but now I am vascilating between a 3 and a 4. I can't seem to make my mind up. Anybody else switching grip sizes?

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I think your right! Especially Nadal because he uses a lot of wrist snap in his shots. Back in the wood racquet era, pros used grips of 4 5/8, 4 3/4 and larger!
I went from a 2 to a 1
I seem to be needing a bigger grip as I get older ..serve seems to benefit as well as overheads as my wrist stays looser and snaps more...I think I am losing my grip (literally) and if I could pump up my strength and had to switch from a radical backhand to radical forehand I might be inclined to do that to increase my speed...but thats not the case with me as I basically have a continental grip with a radical backhand for service
there is a way to find out if you are using the correct grip size.
what's that jun?
i think some of the old rules are changing.
a pro can look down at your hand and tell by how much your finger and thumb overlap.
but the new rule seems to be, if it feels good go for it.
Why are the pros playing with smaller grip. I play with a 4 5/8. My hands are huge, which I believe is a factor. Also, you have more surface to grip with the bigger grips.
For more racquet head speed and thus more spin which makes for a heavier more consistent shot. I use a smaller grip also.
A smaller grip makes it easier to get "wrist-y" with the ball and "whip" around it to get more spin. That's one of the reasons why Nadal uses a smaller grip (Federer does too). But be careful, prolonged use of a smaller grip can lead to arm injury, particularly the wrist & elbow. Although, obviously, Nadal doesn't seem to have much of a problem with that, at least not yet.

I would also imagine that it's a little more difficult to control the ball on flatter shots if you use a smaller grip.
Really? Those two use grips as small as 1/4 and 3/8? Sheesh . . . I'm all of 5'5" and I use a 3/8 -- but have been thinking I might need to use a 1/4 because the muscle on the part of the back of my hand between my index and thumb is getting oddly bulgy. For most of my tennis playing life (30 yrs), I thought I should be a 1/2 but now, hearing that those guys (if this is correct) are as low as a 1/4 and 3/8, I know I should be a 1/4.
Your grip size should be base on your playing style and hand size. Nadal uses a small grip because of his extreme western grip and heavy topspin style. Unless you hit the way Nadal does, I wouldn't change grip sizes. I only recommending changing grip sizes if you develop tennis elbow.
i've been using 4 1/2 grip since i was about 16 (i'm 19 now) but as i get better i'm finding it much easier to swing the racket if the grip is a little smaller. i think i'm gonna switch to a 4 3/8 grip. i'm still debating a bit because it seems like i'm sacrificing a very little bit of stability when i use a smaller grip.
Shane, Go for it! If you find yourself losing some stability then build the grip back up to 4 1/2. It's easy to get a smaller grip and build it up then to down size your grip.


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