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Murray leads 8 to 4 overall, and 5-2 on hardcourts.  However, Stan won the last meeting.  Here's the full stats:

What are your thoughts on this quarterfinal?  Does Stan have a chance?

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Stan hits a 90 MPH the answer is yes

In your opinion, what does stan need to do differently to improve his chances today?

Absolutely! Never discount a leftie. They always have a few tricks up their sleeve. He's striking the ball exceptionally well, and he has his "leftie" game too. Murray may beat him on fitness though. Either way, it's gonna be close, very close.

No he's not a leftie, but he hits the ball like one, has a real feel for the ball. 

Hi Morning Star!  He does have great feel.  BTW, are you a lefty?  You sound like you might be one.

Yes i think Stan stand's a very good about 100% lol ... WOW i had to re-read the scoreline a couple of times to make sure the checkmark was really next to Stan's! Go Wawrinka!

LOL!  I knew that Stan had a chance, especially since they practice together and Stan just beat Berdych which shows his confidence is in good form, but I could not pull the trigger and actually bet on him.  Darn!

Stan should give a great running this year. he might take nadal if he keeps his confidence up and KNows that he will win!

He beat 7 top tenners this year, 3rd most of any player after Rafa and Nole.  Very impressive - I would love if Stan becomes a new member of the top 4.


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