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TennisWithD's Articles (21)

Private Lessons vs Hitting Lessons - 5 Effective Methods of Taking and Utilizing Hitting Lessons

     I remember hitting a lot as a junior. The majority of the time was dedicated to reinforcing things I learnt in lessons during hitting, being inspired by older players in camp and mimicking them. We could not hit enough!

One particular Saturday afternoon, around age 13-14 if I recall correctly,  I remember we hit…


Added by TennisWithD on November 12, 2013 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Chicagoans, Shake the Rust off: Spring Tennis!


Added by TennisWithD on April 12, 2013 at 12:18pm — No Comments

2013 Chicago Marathon Registration Now Open: Lessons Tennis Players Can Learn from Runners

Chicago Marathon 2013 signups are opened yesterday February 20, 2013. Typically, within the next 24-48 hours it will be sold. If you want to sign-up, act now! Naturally the memories of my 5th hour ordeal from yesteryear came rushing back. I was punished severely for running without logging a single day…


Added by TennisWithD on February 20, 2013 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

What Does Love Mean to you in Tennis?

When you first pick up a racquet

Love means the pleasure for partaking in the sport is innocent and genuine

Love means anxious to go for your next lesson

Love means getting up 3 hours early to get to an 8am lesson

Love means sleeping with your first new tennis racquet in bed

Love means dragging the parents 60mins early to a…


Added by TennisWithD on February 14, 2013 at 3:00pm — 4 Comments

How are those Tennis, Health and Wellness, Career, 2013 Resolutions Coming?

7 Ways to Hit Your 2013 Resolutions!

Whoa long hiatus, it feels good to be back! Do not worry, my first posting this year is not a guilt trip but rather us finding solutions together!

A new year brings with it high expectations, inspiration, and rejuvenated spirits to reach one’s goals. The first week of January, “new year’s…


Added by TennisWithD on February 13, 2013 at 3:54pm — No Comments

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the mothers,this is exactly how we remember it ....Thank you.

Added by TennisWithD on May 13, 2012 at 8:30am — 2 Comments

Coaches, why we lose business: tips, suggestions, criticism, additions, subtractions, and disagreements...

Tennis literally raised me. From fan to competitor, competitor to coach, coach to theorists, theorists to the entrepreneurial side of the sport and right back around to fan! Through the metamorphosis, one thing…


Added by TennisWithD on May 10, 2012 at 10:00am — 15 Comments

The Road to College Tennis: Mbonisi Ndimande

It is great to have larger than life idols to inspire you. But at times we overlook legitimate sources of inspiration as it comes from relatable people, our brothers and sisters. It is always motivating to see great results come from a structure and system whose blue print you are a result of as well. Such is the case with this young man. His story sums up the path to college tennis and pro tennis for most tennis players from Zimbabwe and Africa, except in Mbonisi’s case, he did it…


Added by TennisWithD on May 4, 2012 at 10:00am — 2 Comments

When Restrain Just Won't Do!

I am always for displaying great sportsmanship and conduct, but I do get a kick out of watching tennis players absolutely lose it! To the novice, it is a battle out there on the courts and if you expect to come out unscathed you have a rude awakening coming at you.



Added by TennisWithD on May 2, 2012 at 10:13am — No Comments

Guest Blogging for Crazy Tennis Mom

I promised to do at least a blog a week and posted that for accountability purposes.  If you are keen, you will notice I have not done so this week. I have not forgotten, I had to reciprocate a blog. You can find it here! That leaves me all blogged out for this week!

Enjoy your weekend!


Added by TennisWithD on April 19, 2012 at 8:45am — No Comments


Tennis With D in the spotlight: Work of Medill Student and Photographer Kalle Eko. Have a productive week!

Added by TennisWithD on April 16, 2012 at 10:00am — 7 Comments

Crazy Tennis Mom Dealing with Losses and Motivating the Kids

     As a coach it is always easy to observe and comment on how it should be done, such is the nature of our job but when it comes to the intimate and delicate role of parenting, specifically motivating, or consoling a kid who just lost, I thought…


Added by TennisWithD on April 5, 2012 at 9:30am — 8 Comments

The Hoax, Tennis Perfection: Getting Away With Mediocrity!

I just returned from sunny BNP Paribas 2012 in Indian Wells, California and watched some of the most talented players in the world putting on some masterful, beautiful displays of the game of tennis. Congratulations to Roger Federer and Victoria Azarenka for winning the titles.

As fans of the sport, it is easy to watch it with…


Added by TennisWithD on March 26, 2012 at 10:00pm — 6 Comments

“Hey D, How Many Tennis Lessons do I need Till I am Good”?

It is hard to discuss money in most contexts without sounding vulgar. But as soon as a coach hears the question titling this blog the translation is usually, “what is the least amount of money I can spend and get to enjoy the rallies” so the pressure is on. In all honesty, who isn’t concerned about getting quality for their “dough-re-miii”? Assuming you already have…


Added by TennisWithD on March 16, 2012 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

10 Ways to Play Recreational Tennis like a Grand Slam Champ. Part 2

Illustration by Jon Keegan

5. Develop a backup plan:

Champions have a way of turning a losing match situation around, and one of the ways of doing that is by switching strategy. No use sticking to your most “comfortable” game plan when you are getting outplayed. While pros can…


Added by TennisWithD on March 6, 2012 at 8:30am — 2 Comments

10 Ways to Play Recreational Tennis like a Grand Slam Champ, Part 1

First and foremost I would like to apologize for the absence. A few things are happening simultaneously so much that sometimes I wish there were three more of me so I could give the world what I really want to! Between, a few disappointing tournament results, keeping a job and making preparations for graduate school one blinks and realize it is 2012 already!…


Added by TennisWithD on March 1, 2012 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

The College Tennis Hunt

Playing collegiate tennis is the dream of most junior tennis players in the United States and all over the world. The process of finding a school and a tennis program that is the…


Added by TennisWithD on July 28, 2011 at 12:30pm — No Comments

The Informed Tennis Buyer: Soccer Moms got it figured out!

I have heard a Soccer Mom talk of attending a recital, ballet practice, and a PTA meeting all scheduled at 9am! Do not ask me how; I am not a soccer mom! Coaching in the burbs, gave me the opportunity to witness these Wonder women types in action. 

Soccer moms are quite efficient when it comes to arranging, scheduling, multiple events and commitments…


Added by TennisWithD on July 25, 2011 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

The Sophisticated Buyer - How to make the most of your tennis lesson

May it be a group lesson or a private lesson, there are several ways to make the most of you bottom penny, especially those of us who work the extra hour for it. Coaching daily, I cannot believe how many players lose out on quality gems due to stuff that that can be avoided. I made a quick list of things to help you maximize your lesson time.


10. Be…


Added by TennisWithD on July 13, 2011 at 1:00pm — 3 Comments

The Purpose of my Blog: Ways to Play Tennis for Cheap Without Compromising on Quality

Welcome tennis enthusiasts; players, coaches, fans, students of the game and those who reserve a special place for the game in their hearts. No doubt tennis is one of those sports that cost a decent amount of change to participate in. CAN YOU PLAY TENNIS FOR CHEAP? CAN YOU PLAY TENNIS ON A BUDGET? Absolutely; this blog is for everyone who, in the words of Jay-Z is “balling on a budget”. The history of the game exhibit traits typical of a…


Added by TennisWithD on May 17, 2011 at 7:00pm — No Comments

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