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What Will Be your New Year Tennis Resolutions?

Please up date all Here on this discussion for the New Year of 2014. I Accomplished all my 2014 Goals

add PICs and stuff of interest about you and your resolutions.

Have a Maximum of five no minimum.

Here is My List for every Year of my life.

1. Establish and Gain More tennis players for my Tennis programs and classes. Accomplished !!!
2 Lose some of my 205LBS and get back into playing shape. Start Training today Accomplished!!!!
3 Love more ( hey lady's) Accomplished!!!!!
4 Play more tennis with my Baby girl Accomplished!!!!
5 KICK SOME BUTT. Accomplished!!!!! check out Mens 30 Rankings USTA
6 Teach players to kick some Butt Accomplished!!!!

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My tennis resolutions 2014

1. Continuous practices on every aspect of the game

2. Improve my mental toughness and concentration in every game 

3. Win about 98% of all single matches.

4. No complacency, and play tough matches

5. Improve first and second serves to about 85% consistency on average first, and 95% second serve.

Maintain average serve speed of  120 mph.

In terms of coaching

Get my first 10 clients within the first half of the year. Adults (60%, and Kids 10 to 16yrs)


Isaac, Great goals!  I like number 1; I should have that on my list too.

But number 3 presents a question:  If you are winning 98% of your matches, then you are not playing at the right level and not getting the quality of matches you should.  Great improvement comes from playing better players, so I think the ideal match victory is more in the 60-70% range.   What do you think about that?

I like this thread Coach.

1. Heal up on this nagging patellar tendinitis (I've laid off the knee since last week of November)

2. Get to playing weight again. Currently in the 160s. Goal is 135-140s

3. Finally get around to taking a few tennis lessons

Has anybody who posted in the past made or changed their goals?

Naw first timer here coach..

Speaking of, went to a spin class last night and it was brutal! Anyone tried it?

I dont like spin because i have a bike....and i like scenery

I can't remember if I put goals on here before, but I know I have some that I really want to achieve.


1- Practice at mimimum 4 times a week. I'm an all around athlete and have added sand and indoor volleyball to my sports list. Its hard to balance all of the sports I enjoy playing, work, and stay active in my ministry work. But I want to find a way to work everything in so that I'm able to devote more concerted time and focus to my tennis game.


2- Aggression moving towards net and belief in my first volley. I (as most of us do) can hold my own on the baseline against most. But I want to maximize my size and the abilities that come with it. My wing span is 7'4, so I should be more imposing at net. But it seems that the only times I come in are when its not on my terms. I want to change that this year.


3- Continue to drop weight. I'm 6'9 and at my heaviest 350lbs. I'm down to 310 and counting. The funny part is because I'm so tall and broad shouldered, you really can't see that much of a difference. But my knees and lungs definitely can tell.


4- See a professional tennis match. I'm pretty sure, if nothing changes at work, that I'll be going to the Houston Open. Its only a 2 hour drive from me, so I don't know why I've never committed to it before. It'll be a bucket list cross off for sure!

check out my fitness goals and work out here maybe you will join me.

  start training today

1. Work on my second serve
2. Work on improving my endurance 
These 2 would be the most important:) 

Great goals!

When I improved my second serve it moved me from a 4.0 to a 4.5 almost immediately.

Endurance makes a huge difference too - I need to get that back at the moment....

For 2015 My New Goal will be just my over all fitness and weight. I had a great year in the Mens 30s finishing top 100 Nationals top ten southern section and #1 in Georgia. I was able to lose 10 lbs and keep it off since the beginning of the year.

I would like to be #1 in Mix doubles and doubles this year for 2015. and also travel to So Cal and AZ to meet my tennisopolis friends.

Coach, I'm doing a cool workout that I think would really help you.  It is called T25 and it is a series of 5 different workouts on DVD.  It only takes 25 minutes a day, but it kicks your a$$ and gets you fit and builds muscle too. 

i really hope you can find a way out to IW this year!


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