Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network



Hi Everyone this is CoachV Over the last 5 years I have gained about 40lbs I went from a 165lbs to 205lbs.  My performance on court wasn't really hampered much outside from an occasional cramping in the legs after a hard 3.5 hour match.




But a Car accident last year prevented me from working out hard or even playing tennis tournaments for about 6 months. In those six months I was having the hardest time breathing and moving. I used one of those machines in the store recently that test the heart rate and body mass index etc etc etc. Well the results weren't great at all. It said that I have Pre-hypertension with a resting heart rate of 80-BPM & I am obese at 35% body Fat.






In the past I used to have a heart rate of 50-BPM Resting, Body fat of like 27-30% and if i ever got my weight up too high I could drop 15lbs in about 2 weeks from just running, jumping rope and push-ups and Sit-ups.  But Now I'm Older, have 2 kids & busy coaching tennis. Its hard to be motivated to work out.  But I'm not alone. 







I Challenge Tennisopolites to join me to transform their bodies and their tennis games. I will post workouts that I try to do and other information that I learn along the way. I will update this blog with Pics and Videos in the comment section weekly.  Then next month I will post a New BLOG with PIC update. If you need help with your tennis you can get free tennis coaching from me at my tennis Group here at Tennisopolis CoachV Top Rank Tennis

So today is my Start Day.  DAY 1 Jan 6th 2014. I will be posting my body images every month, so not to Scare anyone too much. Please post your body Pics too and show us your starting point and join me into getting healthier and better at tennis. I know you are motivated to get better in tennis as well as healthier, so start NOW for the New Year. I am just look at me. I'm a regular Guy. If I can do it, you can do it, so lets do it together. Join ME just buy Commenting below.





I do have a strict meal plan which my wife created for me. She is a All Natural Professional Body builder. She Doesn't take crap either, so cheating on the meals and workouts will be hard.  this is my meal plan she made me

* 6:00 am - Workout

* Right after - Protein Shake - 8oz coconut milk, 1 scoop protein, piece of fruit

* 10:00 -Breakfast - 3 whole eggs, Bowl of oatmeal , 1 cup of coconut milk to drink

* 12:00 - Lunch - (green containers)

* 2:00 - Protein Shake - 8oz coconut milk, 1 scoop protein, piece of fruit

* 4:00 - Small Meal - Tuna salad (red container)

* When you get home - Dinner.





My Weakness over the years has been my eating habits. I binge eat.  I will not eat at all all day play tennis and then Binge.  Cravings for bad foods like Candy, Ice Cream, or fast Foods. My biggest weakness is Pizza. Now Pizza is a good food. But when I Eat Pizza i dont stop with just 2 slices. My Students have seen me decimate Pies of pizza. My Second weakness is I cannot say no to free food. Thanks for reading thus far and I look forward in you my friends in joining me


Please follow me on twitter Subscribe to my Youtube and Join my Tennisopolis Group for free Coaching CoachV Top Rank Tennis Please Like my Facebook page CoachVtennis

If you Want tennis lessons in Atlanta, Marietta, Vinings, SandySprings, Dunwoody GA Vist me at Co...


this is what i look like now at 205Lbs Day 1

this was my work out today. It was Hard, I was able to keep up the first round and then fell off. Overall great work out.

 If you Want to follow my weekly progress Visit Facebook update


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Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on February 9, 2014 at 10:16pm

my weight is around the same. FULX with water and food.

Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on February 9, 2014 at 10:14pm
  • Quick update on my training

  • My heart rate is now back to normal 118/78

  • my body fat % is down by 10 percent from 34.?? to 24.42

  • My muscle mass or lean muscle is up by like 2 lbs. 157lbs but my body fat is still 50lbs

  • so 2 more months to go, the weather is getting better here again

  • tennis will be picking up.

Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on January 29, 2014 at 11:53am

1 more week to go to make it a month. I am now using 15lbs weights

Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on January 23, 2014 at 10:16am

Workout breakdown:
***No Rest Until You Absolutely Need It
4 Rounds of Each Exercise and 30 Seconds Per Exercise.
Push ups
Bent Over Rows
Upright Rows
Squat & Press
Close Grip Push Ups
Mountain Climbers
Toe Touches

Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on January 16, 2014 at 9:11pm
Pulled a muscle in my shoulder. Bad. I took off wed & thurs to rest. I Go doubles for 2 days
Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on January 14, 2014 at 9:35am

Week 2 day 2, I am burnt..... i had played in one of the group lessons ran my butt off and missed a meal.... I was so exhausted from missing that meal that Im having a late start to my workout and day today. I have breakfast first around 9am its now 1030am , Baby MAX is still sleeping and will be ready to wake and poop and eat soon. I think im gonna have to do doubles today to catch up. I heard over the radio of a thing called a recovery lift. I think its when you lift weights to recover..... Anyone ever heard of that?

Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on January 13, 2014 at 3:03pm

Well i did the math and its 70lbs to have 0 body fat. so I have to build about 20 pounds of muscle or i will be 130lbs. no fat/ healthy should be 17 percent body fat . so 28 lbs should be fat around 170lbs. and that brings me to 160lbs. which means I need about 10 lbs of muscle to be like MIKE CHANG

Comment by Tim Prapong on January 13, 2014 at 2:21pm
40 lbs of fat? I bet you could get it down in 6 months.
Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on January 13, 2014 at 9:09am

Starting on week 2 everyone! JOIN ME!

Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on January 11, 2014 at 9:52am

So i will be starting my beginner muscle building exercise. using the Video here of MIKE Chang 6 pac secrets. So far this week was tough. But day 5 of working out I have already had gains in performance in my tennis. and I have lost 6 lbs. Im now at 199 and out of the 200+ club. I will now have to get rid of the other 40lbs of fat.

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