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I Dont understand!  Can someone translate? Thanks!

Real information about lawsuit:

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Apparently, the Spanish cyclist Alberto Contador was found to be doping, and a two-year ban was imposed upon him.  His 2010 Tour de France win was also stripped from him.  The French seem to be accusing Spanish athletes of doping, hence the Spanish Tennis Federation is suing French TV for slander, improper use of logos, and ruining the reputation of thier athletes.  In the video, "Nadal" urinates into his gas tank, then speeds off in his vehicle, implying the potency of the urine.  Quite funny, if a bit inflammatory.  Read the details here

Any surprise that Nadal just had a sudden drug test?

It must be a coicidence, no?

They should make it 6:30 in the morning instead of 8:30. Nadal speaks with such incredulity!

arrg the video has been blocked Dam

Funny! What's the translation?

Nadal writing with a syringe! lol


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