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How many sets does Murray win?

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First of all, is this a night match too?

I am rooting so hard for Murray that my brain is going to cave in.

With that out of the way, I honestly think Nole will cruise.

My guess is that Murray is lucky to win one set.

murry will let you down. if he wins against nole he will lose the final.

Gonna be what Djokovic shows up. One that is injured still or one that is not and ready to fly. 

The question is, "Will Ivan win it for Andy?" That is the real question.

I think the Djoke will be on Murray, though he might win one set.

When is this match Joe?

1. Nole needs a break to laugh his ass off.

Wow, that was one hell of a match.  The most grueling singles match I have seen in a long time.  I feel so bad for Andy; no one deserved to lose that match.  And he was so close to breaking at 5 all in the fifth!  Who knows what would have happened if he got that game....


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