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Am I the only one that believes Rafael Nadal is on steroids?

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If he was, wouldn't he at least win on his favorite clay courts....not get knocked out?
Well, this isn't a comment on Rafa, because I doubt he is using.
But steroids don't make you perfect, they make you stronger. Dropping a pill doesn't guarantee a championship.

Jonathan Paul Doty said:
If he was, wouldn't he at least win on his favorite clay courts....not get knocked out?
Sorry. Even though Nadal's physique is different from most of the tennis players out there, the ATP's drug testing policy is so head and shoulders above anything that the 4 major US sports have, that I don't believe that he is on PEDs. Tennis players have to give both urine and blood when tested and all finalists are tested so Rafa gets tested alot. The blood part is important because as far as I know there is no urine test for HGH. Blood also allows for later testing if new testing methods are devised. Tennis players have no union to oppose testing as do the big 4 so shenanigans are probably less likely. For awhile back NBA players were allowed to have positive tests for Marijuana as part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. That's why when Gasquet gets busted and tossed for a little bit of nose candy, I'm less likley to believe that Nadal is on PEDs.

Now there is always the conspiracy theory in that the ATP is so desperate to get a rivalry for Federer that they'd sweep PED use under the rug so long as great tennis was played. That I won't speculate on.
Well said! The first non bias and intellectual response to this forum. Very concise.

Jazz Burks said:
Sorry. Even though Nadal's physique is different from most of the tennis players out there, the ATP's drug testing policy is so head and shoulders above anything that the 4 major US sports have, that I don't believe that he is on PEDs. Tennis players have to give both urine and blood when tested and all finalists are tested so Rafa gets tested alot. The blood part is important because as far as I know there is no urine test for HGH. Blood also allows for later testing if new testing methods are devised. Tennis players have no union to oppose testing as do the big 4 so shenanigans are probably less likely. For awhile back NBA players were allowed to have positive tests for Marijuana as part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. That's why when Gasquet gets busted and tossed for a little bit of nose candy, I'm less likley to believe that Nadal is on PEDs.

Now there is always the conspiracy theory in that the ATP is so desperate to get a rivalry for Federer that they'd sweep PED use under the rug so long as great tennis was played. That I won't speculate on.
Haha "first" non bias and intellectual response, Jazz's arguament has been mentioned on a few occassions in this thread and seems to be the thoughts of the majority here.

Pierry said:
Well said! The first non bias and intellectual response to this forum. Very concise.

Jazz Burks said:
Sorry. Even though Nadal's physique is different from most of the tennis players out there, the ATP's drug testing policy is so head and shoulders above anything that the 4 major US sports have, that I don't believe that he is on PEDs. Tennis players have to give both urine and blood when tested and all finalists are tested so Rafa gets tested alot. The blood part is important because as far as I know there is no urine test for HGH. Blood also allows for later testing if new testing methods are devised. Tennis players have no union to oppose testing as do the big 4 so shenanigans are probably less likely. For awhile back NBA players were allowed to have positive tests for Marijuana as part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. That's why when Gasquet gets busted and tossed for a little bit of nose candy, I'm less likley to believe that Nadal is on PEDs.

Now there is always the conspiracy theory in that the ATP is so desperate to get a rivalry for Federer that they'd sweep PED use under the rug so long as great tennis was played. That I won't speculate on.
lol um Noooo.... Comments such as "he works hard" and "they're tested" and "that's just stupid" were made. Jazz made the only references blood tests and the lack of a tennis players union. I think that's a stronger argument.

My argument has always been it's a fair question in comparison to what's going on in this era in the other major sports. Jazz clearly distinguished two major differences in tennis versus (baseball, basketball, football, etc).
No I don't think Nadal is juiced. He's just young, fit and trains well. At my age(dare I write it? Naw!), I can still run down ball after ball to win the next point. Why? I do plyometrics (jump) training. As do most of the TOP Pro tennis players.

Testing goes on constantly. There are some South American Players that have been banned but Nadal has never been one of them. Of course Nalbandian (chunky) isn't one of them either. I can't think of the 3 or 4 that have been in the past but there are some.

You'll be surprised how fit and you can be by doing regular training. Federer rarely looks tired ( well that stint of Mono in early 2008 slowed him down).

But seriously, testing players has been going on for a long time.

NADAL JUICING? In the words of Whitney Houston, Hell to the Naw!
Its unfortunate but the question becomes an accusation when you make it personal.
Why not 'are tour pros juiced'
I guess my answer is that, "I certainly hope not." I really like Rafa and think he is great for tennis. I'd be shocked if he was taking PEDs, especially since he is tested regularly - very unbelievable idea really.

richard meaghan said:
Its unfortunate but the question becomes an accusation when you make it personal.
Why not 'are tour pros juiced'
Well, I have noticed like many who folllow tennis that Rafa's arms are huge for a tennis player. But also few players are wearing those muscle T's by the third round so we dont always notice their guns!! The same arguement could be asked about several female players whose arms are huge. I used to think Serena was taking something when she 1st got on the tour. I personally think some players are using some performance enhancing products that have escaping detection not only in tennis but all sports. Only the dumb ones or unlucky ones are getting caught. So, if they arent testing positive then they arent guilty, right!!!!
Yes, professional athletes have strength and conditioning coaches and nutritionist so they have the best resources available to being in top shape.
I met Rafa last year and he didnt seem to be freak on roids but you never know.
LOL. "Freak on roids". I think that is part of the problem, that we think we can "tell" be looking at someone or watching how they act. Sometimes it never manifests in those ways.
BTW, Could you imagine Rafa going "freak on 'roids" in the middle of a match and going balistic?

Kris W said:
I met Rafa last year and he didnt seem to be freak on roids but you never know.
I bet NO WAY. He doesn't appear to have the build. The left arm is bigger but he is left handed and: look at a lot of other players who also have bigger dominant arm. Rafa's Uncle wouldn't go along with Juicing. Rafa is a very hard worker and lifts weights and I would be amazed if he uses juice. I just don't believe he needs it. But WOW! I was amazed by Agassi


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