Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Who here remembers Myiesha Simmons? I remember her asking for donations because she was going to play in the US Open in the future. She also posted pictures of herself taking ice baths, pretty Hcore.

Well, I was in the same tournament as her recently. I thought I recognized her from this website so I went over and checked the women's draw. There were only 3 competitors playing a round robin format but one of them was Myiesha. Now I was sure that it was her and I was confident enough to ask if she remembered tennisopolis etc. We even got to warm up together... Thank you tennisopolis for the warm-up partner. I wouldn't have asked her if it were not for this website.

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I saw her in an Oscar Wegner youtube video, where he is fixing her game. She improved alot in that clip.

I want to see that....:/

Yeah, you got the link?

Yeah i have seen this with Oscar here in Atlanta. The concept is timing and how to either time better or wait longer. It goes.against steping into the ball. Nothing new.


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