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I had the chance to get my service caught on radar at the BNP Paribas Open in Indian Wells this year.  I hit it as hard as I could, but still maintaining control and hitting the middle of this painted square on the aparatus.  My manly speed?  Only 100 mph.  But it was the highest speed we saw while watching the line of would-be Roddicks give it a go.  People actually cheered for me.


The point?  It is much harder to hit a serve over 100 mph than most people think!  I could've sworn I'd be at 120!


What's your fastest serve?

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102Mph @ the Bank of the West Classic
you've got that good leg bend where all the mph's come from. noice!
what is venus' top speed? and how close do you think you will get to that once you get a little bigger and stronger?
A friend of mine had the same result. Thought he was totally cranking it, only to find out that he was at 95 mph. He was obviously disappointed.
why disappointed? wanted triple digits?
Ive never had my serve speed measured but I did see the fastest serve in the world in the 1980's. It was Steve Denton. He held that record for 13 years (138mph) . He is now the head Tennis coach at Texas A&M University.
So I guess the Aggie recruits are all big bombers?
I think back in 2k5 I was measured at 89mph of course that was after only 3 years of playing tennis. I sure my heaters are faster now maybe 100mph.

I remember this one mixed doubles tournament where my partner and I had to play in the 4.5 division because we were 3.5s and the only two divisions were 3.0 and 4.5. Well that year a bunch of actual 4.0 and 4.5 players came to play and we go sent into the backdraw, which was littered with 3.5 teams like us. We screw around and make it to the finals of the backdraw and now we have to face a real 4.0 woman 4.5 man combo. These guys had lost to the eventual champs in the 1st round in a close match so we had a huge undertaking before us. My partner could barely rally with her female counterpart and I was sweating buckets warming up with mine. We won the toss and I told my partner, " get ready for some double faults because I bringing the HEAT on EVERY serve!" Now this was at the same place as my video so if you think that is loud, this day I was deafening! This people in the stands commented to me later that my serve was drowning out the other 5 courts. In my heart of hearts I know I cracked triple digits that day, and in my shoulder of shoulders I knew that I would be hurting for weeks!
That's awesome. How long did your "shoulder of shoulders" ache after that match? So what double fault percentage did you have? Did you land any aces?
I landed aces on both courts but i double faulted one game away as we lost 2 and 1. I was sore for about two weeks, but I played anyway.
So you lost the match and hurt you arm. What's the moral to the story? :-P
The moral is, "It doesn't matter if you win or lose. As long as you impress the peanut gallery it was a victory!"
Before MY Nerve Damage in my elbow (2003) I clocked 106 around 2000. I think I can get it in the 110+ now. who knows? I know I ace players left and right with out breaking 100MPH.


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