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Do you play with your poly strings until they break or snip them at the 10 or 20 hr mark?

Lately, my habit is to just string a full poly setup at 61 lbs and use it until it is half way notched. I hit very smoothly so I don't break polys for more than a month.

It is said that using polys until they break can cause arm problems. The resiliency is gone at the 10 hour mark on many of them. Others lose it at 6, then some can last for 20.

A recent poll taken showed that 65% just use them until they break. Are you one of the 65%?

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Tornado is such a good string, spins the heck out of the ball and it's very easy on the arm. They should market Signum more heavily in the U.S. in regular sports stores, like Sports Chalet or even at the country clubs.

They are ideal for me at least from 2 points of view:

are very thin - I'm using 1.17 version

are profiled and twisted

so are very good for spin generation and in the same time are quite resistant to stress... I usually string the racket (in kg) 27 mains/ 26 crosses and I'm playing with Aero pro Drive GT... Till now nothing to complain about this... Initially when I discovered this Signum string I was still playing wioth Cortex and somehow the feel was not so good as it is on GT...

So, I never broke these strings till now I just cut it when I felt that they move too much, usually after 15-20 hours of playing even a little bit more...

I use it at 61 lbs, which is not far from your tension in a Head Pro Tour 280. I tried the Aero Pro with Alu Rough at 57 and plays pretty nice, but Tornado is just smoother feeling.
I got some Gosen Poly Ice put my racquet back in December of '09 and I thought that I would play with it until it broke. I was playing at least once a week and more as the weather warmed up. That stuff would not break! Eventually I had to get it cut out of my racquet in July of 2010 and I won my 1st tournament! My game had deteriorated in the 2 months previous so I guess I have to stop being cheap. The thing is I had broken Big Banger ALU power before so I thought that I could break anything!
Poly Ice is a yucky string. Plays too hot (has too much power) and the feel is horrible plasticky. Snip that stuff out!

Tension loss is a very real component of any tennis string.  With an initial 24 hour tension loss of anywhere from 6 - 15% maybe even more for some strings, it is important to chose your string with some forethought.  Although we tend to look at professionals for our tennis purchases, we should not focus on this too intensly because the Pro's have their rackets strung before each match and therefore tension loss is not an issue and their rackets feel crisp for a few sets and then the strings are cut out and the process starts over. 


Polyester strings for the most part lose the same or sometimes less tension than multifilaments but over time restringing should occur at the same rate or more than strings that fray.  Although we look for knotching, fraying or the 'thud' sound in the racket before restringing, waiting until poly breaks is not recommeded.  Start with the original rule of " string as many times a year as you play a week' and work from there.  Take note of the date you strung your racket and what string, wait 24 hours to play with your racket ( so the initial tension loss is gone) and take a check of your racket once a month.  Restringing every three months is probably a good measure and will keep your racket performing within the adequate range.

Another great advantage of polyester strings is the topspin factor.  This works because polyester strings move when the ball makes impact and this creates spin, the string quickly returns back into position again.  When the strings notch, this cannot occur in the same way and you loss the 'spin' potential of the string.  If you have the opportunity to restring every 10-20 hours this would be awesome!

SHould you increase tension 5 - 10% when stringing polyester?  There are two schools of thought here that I know of.  The fact that polyester strings lose considerable tension suggests that you need to add some tension to compensate.  On the otherhand, polyester string tends to feel 'stiffer' and therefore it should be strung 5-10% looser!.

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In my case, the rule of thumb of stringing as many times a week you play in a whole year gets thrown off. I have nine racquets I rotate through, all with different strings. So I haven't broken even one string in six months!
Ok, I use that rule for the recreational player, sounds like at your level we won't consider that as an option.  Cost/playability factor, many poly strings with better playing characteristics tend to cost a bit more.  One option is find a decent poly in a better price range.  I string for a few customers who use Gosen polylon 17g, it suits them fine, it plays pretty good and its about 2.35 a set currently.  Gosen makes a softer poly as well. Maybe string two of your frames, one with the new string your trying (thats at a lower price point) and one with your current and see how they performing.  If price is not an issue and you are just discussing when to restring.  I would say a couple of matches or 2-6 sets max.
Yeah, I think after 6 sets against a hard hitter is about right. By that time, I've already hit alot of serves. I read somewhere that just returning ten 120mph serves will drop the tension by 10 lbs.
Actually here I found the reason I restring the racket around 20 hours maybe a little bit more... usually the polly's are moving on the string bed quite much but are coming back to their position in first hours (10 to 20)... So, I decide to restring when I see that the strings are moving and not getting back acceptable... That's usually the moment when I  decide to string again the tool :)
Yeah, I think I like to do it around 20 hours with Tornado. It just plays good close to the end. Lux Ace is like this too.
Yeah, time for me to cut my Big Bangers, they've been on there for a little over a month now...SNIP


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