Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

We all know tennis professionals practice and condition daily when they are not playing tournaments. Most Tennisopolis members have other professions, work full time or part time and/or go to college. For those of us, meaning you, what do you do to stay in shape including diet? Share your routine and what works for you to keep your game at the top?

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It's been a few months but I started my fitness routine again. I start with flexibility exercises and do 30 minutes of cardio, then strength training on the weight machines, 3 sets for all major muscle groups, arms. legs then finish with abs/core.
I really don't do anything else.. I ride the bike around when I feel lazy and don't want to drive to play tennis. I'm quite curious what kind of exercises you would do? If I could incorporate them into my daily routine maybe I'll see an improvement in my tennis.

A part of every tennis person equipment should be a bottle of this product.  If you have not tried it , you should!


 Holding a tennis racquet with sweaty hands is nearly impossible.  This product works in hot humid climates to keep your hands from sweating all day.  You will hold the club better and with more sensitivity. 

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                                        No More Sweaty hands....all Day!



Cross training (fitness training) is really important for tennis players to prevent future overuse injuries. Tennis creates imbalances in the body that over time create problems. You have to do strength training to re-balance your muscle groups - to make them evenly strong - left vs right side, and often front vs back. Then you have to stretch and do the myfoascial release, to get rid of the trigger points in the overused muscles. This should be bread-and-butter: strength, stretch, myofascial... then of course, you can do more to become even better: agility drills, explosive power, endurance... etc. You definitely have to have a strong core and lower body.  


I play tennis 6 days a week, run with my dog every morning, do the strength training about 2 hours per week, and I stretch after each tennis practice 15-20 minutes. I am 46 years old, and through all this pretty fit. You can see the exercise, and routines on my website... there's a lot of stuff on injury prevention and fitness for tennis training. No gym is necessary, you can do everything on the court after tennis. Regarding nutrition, also very important to eat healthy so you have a lot of energy... here is a basic nutrition post, and here what to avoid to eat


Hi Suzanna, thank you for your response to my discussion. You are absolutely correct about cross or fitness training. At my age, I am fortunate not to have had any major injuries and still play tennis pain-free. I hope that others do some additional training to keep fit, prevent injury and improve their tennis.

Dudleyk, maybe you can start too... the imbalances are developing slowly, and once you  get problems, then it is much harder to correct. I've been doing tennis fitness training to juniors during their summer camp, age 13-21, and you wouldn't believe how "messed up" they are already at that young age.


Hi Suzanna, after a long break, I actually did get back to my fitness training and it feels great. I've lost muscle tone, strength and flexibility over the last few months. It's a good thing I've only been coaching and playing social. Sounds like you have a great camp going on in your neck of the woods. Keep it up.

if you can hold the tennis racquet without your hands slipping, that could be important to you making a good shot. 

 view this site:  

I would do cycling interval training in the gym using a Keiser indoor spin cycle and do 8-10 sets of 40-60 secs out of the saddle sprints.

I also would ride with a cycling group and go 40-60 mile rides with my road bike.

I do light weights with dumbbells, and do tricep extensions, squats, and punch the heavy bag for 20-30 minutes.

this is my Monday to Friday routine.

off Saturday & Sundays

do it for 2 months. you will kick arse.

100 Push ups

100 sit-ups

15 minutes run with 1 minute sprints every 5 minutes

or 15 minutes of jump rope like this video..

                    Congratulations!  "Sam"


you and the Australian people should feel very proud!   


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