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I think...
10 & under Tennis will work on a recreational level faster than that of a Elite Tournament Training level.

Teaching my Baby = 4YO Girl. She is Hitting a regular ball over the net with a Dora 19in Racquet.
I let her hit as much as possible. When she goes to her first Tournament match she will be in that 10 & under Group using quick start. But, she will have a greater advantage over other kids because she will be hitting regular ball earlier. Her Learning Curve will be better than the other kids in her age that strictly use quick start.

Quick start is a tool to build confidence & to get younger kids starting earlier.
So the answer is Yes/NO.

My Reason is....
If coaching doesn't get any better in the US it really doesn't matter what the kids are using. they will still lack the ability to perform. Only the naturally talented players will make it.


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I totally appreciate what they're trying to do, and I think it's a great idea. I remember playing baseball when I was a kid going from 60 foot bases to 90 foot bases. Same concept here. I've been working with my 8 yr old daughter off and on for almost 2 years, and with me at the net and her at the baseline, we can actually rally for 3 or 4 shots. She has the strength to hit the full court so I'm not sure if the quick start would be a help, or a hindrance. But if she plays any league tennis before she's 10, she'll have to play on the smaller court. Maybe I'll pick up some quick-start balls and see how she does.

I think the real issue here is that tennis just isn't that strong in the US and I really don't know why. It's very affordable, it teaches humility and builds character, and if you're a decent player you have a good chance at a scholarship for college.

The problem in the U.S. is exactly what CoachV mentioned.  Lack of good coaching, and unfortunately our society is one of comfort, so kids today don't have to necessarily fight for what they want, instead it is given them.  So when they face a competitor that "wants it", they don't know how to mentally fight back to win.  Talent will only take a kid so far.  The U.S. has talented kids, they just aren't being honed properly.  Tennis is more than just physical.  There is a whole bunch of mental too.

Funny you mention we have talent. dont forget we need more educated pros ( education I mean the ability to teach and get players to perform )

we cant have the constant Tennis (teaching) Pro Egos.

I have been to a couple of places here in Atlanta. Fair Oaks in Cobb County where I used to work.  The Director constantly complained about my teaching methods. aka

  1. me teaching single handed backhands to beginner students.
  2. Complained about me teaching the kids to hit hard
  3. complained about me not teaching the Effen LOOP FOREHAND SWING. or the circle windmill forehand.
  4. there were other problems too ( Business & personal ). but he believed he i wasn't teaching tennis the RIGHT WAY( CoachV's motto: there is no right or wrong way to hit the ball.)
I have created national level players from beginners within 5 years.


The Director's Ego got in the way of development of talented students & tennis program. so Forget FAIR OAKS Tennis Center in Cobb County Marietta GA. there is a tennis court across the street I can teach at. so HA.


Yes ive got an ego too. but its different.

Have to hand it to you.  I agree, there is no right way to teach a kid.  Every kid learns differently, and each kid will be suited to a different style as well.  Sometimes that is just purely based on what the kid can do with mechanics.  I have a 17 year old son that I taught to play, and he has a great two-handed backhand.  I tried to teach him a one initially, but it just didn't work.  Now, hindsight would suggest that it might have something to do with Little League baseball, and the natural feel of a bat in two hands, but none the less, he swings a great two handed back hand, and it is what it is.  It is unfortunate that coaches are so swayed by what the top players are doing.  In my hay day, Edberg was the man, and my coach made me switch from a two hander to a one hander and I have to admit, my backhand is my weakest shot. 

Here is the Greatest thing I have learned about tennis. its never too late to improve!  Many tennis instructors that teach given up on themselves or have settled to or acceptance on their limitation of play.  I dont excepted limitation in my own game and playing ability. example Learning how to kick serve on a pro-ish level. , I know my weaknesses but those can be improved. example lose some of my belly. and maybe train for tournaments more.  But as I get into teaching and coaching now I see an oportunity for my talented junior to work on confidence & aggression.  

the Big fish idea in a small pond. this is one of the big battles for USTA. Talented players or kids that have hit an early growth or have a great birthday and can be older and stay in a younger age division get an advantage.  or they are like me get aged out very early and go into a bigger pond and have to defend against older kids. 

My Big fish idea is to take my talented juniors and build their confidence before 12 & Unders. given them the chum of the 10 and under even though they can play 12 & Unders or full court.

Some good points, but most kids aren't aged out much anymore. The better kids are usually playing in a higher age group all along so no aging out. One of my 13yr old's will be playing his second year and begin playing some 16's this year. He did beat all the top 12's when they started playing up at the end of the year. One of my 8yr old girls is playing 10's and 12's so age will not be a factor, she will probably be playing 18's when she is 13 if she keeps growing and playing. Now I did not push her to start playing tourneys so early, that was the parent. This girl in particular has rarely if ever used QS balls mostly hand feed at the start. 

Quick questions.

1. Why would you not teach the Loop forehand? Is it because you have the cup style?

2. At what age of students are you teaching the one-hander?

3. Last, if you were teaching at Macci Academy, IMG Academy would you tell them, this is how I teach, you don't know what your talking about.


Now, I'm just asking to get a sense of your style/philosophy not trying get into teaching do's/don'ts. I believe we have plenty of great tennis coaches/teachers in the US, but we also have way too many instructors who have no clue as to what they are doing and many who teach only for the money. Remember many of the top players in the world where trained right here in the USA, we can spend a week discussing why American kids are not making it to #1, but imho it's not just due to coaching.

Quick questions.

1. Why would you not teach the Loop forehand? Is it because you have the cup style?

2. At what age of students are you teaching the one-hander?

3. Last, if you were teaching at Macci Academy, IMG Academy would you tell them, this is how I teach, you don't know what your talking about.

1. I think that look forehand LOOP is done just with the hand and not the arm. Players will time the ball more if they use the loop and may have a harder time preparing. . IMG accepts both.

2. I have 3 & 4 year olds that can rally and use single handed backhands.  Why would you use an uncoordinated hand on the racquet.

3. no I would show and explain the differences to the students. Thats part of the learning process. I dont have to explain myself to the companies they just want to see results, which i can deliver.


I agree with that.. We are spoiled here and we look so unhappy!   I have been to countries where people have nothing but the shirts on their backs and they work so hard and smile...  We have a long way to catch up to the rest of the world in tennis
I think it will work. Ive actually already seen the quickstart equipment at Walmart here in chicago!
SOO expensive!

I just got back from running a quickstart program with 6 nine year olds (my son included).  They had a lot of fun and we did not spend any time talking about proper stroke.  They just played points and rallied and had a fun summer night.  None of them wanted to leave when we had to shut it down.  :-)

I think this can work. These kids were using the standard net and the no compression orange-and-yellow balls, and special purple lines on the court.  I did not feel comfortable stopping the fun and teaching strokes in this group.  I'm not a trained tennis teacher, but I also did not want to slow down the fun.  I want these kids at this age to get excited about the game and then later develop technique. I've found that young ones, my son in particular, gets turned off when I start correcting his strokes.  Hopefully he will listen to his real tennis coaches!

Awesome, that is the goal of QS is to get more kids playing and enjoying tennis and then mold those strokes.


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