Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Riviera Tennis Club Match Intros

Event Details

Riviera Tennis Club Match Intros

Time: February 21, 2014 from 6pm to 9pm
Location: Riviera Tennis Club
Event Type: tennis, social, mixer
Organized By: phillip k.
Latest Activity: Feb 22, 2014

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Event Description

Tennisopolis and the Riviera Tennis Club Event.

You are invited to join us for an evening of great tennis and social mixer exclusive at The Riviera Country Club. Meet new single friends and get your game on with others who share your sporty lifestyle. Beginners to Advanced welcome! RSVP early only 40 spots available !
The Riviera
Country Club
Pacific Palisades CA
Friday Feb 21, 2014
6-8pm Tennis 8-9pm : Social Mixer
Only $10 to play * Food & Drinks Available * Changing Facilities* DJ Music
RSVP email:
for your VIP invitation

Our partner in this event is the famed Pam Austin (yes sister of Tracy Austin) who you will get to meet at this event we are calling Match Intros :) BONUS!

Comment Wall

Comment by phillip k. on February 10, 2014 at 2:51pm

we now have 27 people who have reserved a spot for the Riviera Tennis event,  if you haven't registered for the event yet, please send me an email to for your email VIP invitation :)  thanks guys it's gonna be such a great event!

Comment by phillip k. on February 13, 2014 at 11:22am

we now have 29 confirmed players for this event. if you have not registered for the event, please send me an email asap to reserve your spot. FYI RSVP on tennisopolis alone does not reserve your spot. you must email to receive an VIP invitation

Comment by phillip k. on February 17, 2014 at 12:18pm

I am very excited about friday! here is a report of all the meetup people who are officially registered for our event. If you name isn't on this list, you don't have a reserved spot and we only have 4 spots left. Make sure to send me an email to receive registration details yes?

Jonathan Blau
Mike Chekian
Dawn Fagenson
Suzanne Fazalare
Vi Luan Ha
Ashley Heath
lucy huang
Israr Khan
Tom Kong
Peter Lucas
Robert Nguyen
Doug Nichols +1
Emily Reynolds
Michael Salanick
Giselle Sotelo

thanks to all who registered!  see you friday! 

Comment by phillip k. on February 18, 2014 at 11:19pm

Hey guys I forgot to mention that there is a dress code at the Riviera sorry for the inconvenience.  here is their requirements:
Riviera Dress Code
Attire made for tennis.  No sleeveless or tank tops for men.  No T-shirts other than dri fit. Collar Shirts are fine.
Ladies – Tennis Skirts must be worn over leggings or compression shorts.
Non marking Tennis Shoes please.  
email me with any questions.  

Comment by phillip k. on February 19, 2014 at 2:16pm

More clarification on ladies Attire based on questions asked :  okay so sweat pants or sweats, shorts are fine but just if they are compression pants or shorts that looks like a second skin they need to be covered with a skirt or something less revealing.  Skirt is not mandatory unless wearing compression shorts.  Hope that makes it clear? 

Comment by phillip k. on February 20, 2014 at 5:22pm

The registration for the Riviera event is now full.  Sorry guys please RSVP early to save your spot next time around :)  Hope to host another one soon!

Comment by Sabrina on February 20, 2014 at 5:29pm

Sorry! I just saw your follow up message to me and changed my RSVP to no. Unfortunately I have new commitments that night I have to keep. At least this lets someone else in off the waitlist. I hope you do this again! Thanks.

Comment by phillip k. on February 20, 2014 at 5:33pm

sure no worries Sabrina!  We are full up already just FYI in order to register next time please send me an email and I will send you a registration link.  The RSVP here on tennisopolis does not reserve your space.

I really do hope you can come out next time or that we can hit sometime soon! Thanks for letting me know!  Appreciate it.

Comment by phillip k. on February 22, 2014 at 11:21pm

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to the Riviera event!  Thanks also for all the compliments and positive vibes during the night. It was fun to meet so many of you face to face for the first time in such a beautiful setting.  I had a lot of great conversations and there was definitely some great tennis being played!  I will be sending out and email questionnaire soon and appreciate your comments.  I think the club staff in general were pleased opening the grounds to the public and any positive comments will go a long way in helping that to happen again. Typically non members are only invited as the guest of a member and pay $20 an hour for the court use so this night was really special and YOU got to be a part of it!  I look forward to more events and a lot more tennis with you soon!  


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