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Well, I had a dream I was playing John McEnroe. It was probably one of the heaviest feeling dreams I've had. I never had a dream playing against anyone else either. The angles and shotmaking in that dream was out of this world! Don't ask me if he argued with the linesperson in the dream, because he didn't. lol

Share with other Tennisopolisers your dream. ahem! Lendl Jr....


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no but my partner ran over his Mercedes. You cannot be serious!
hahaha!! So much for Mac's Mercedes. He probably called your partner the pits of the world. :)
no he said are you a Effn POT HEAD in so many words. I never new Blue eyes can cause RED FIRE until that moment.
I have had the fortunate pleasure of playing with Rod Laver twice in a couple of years at a charity outing..both playing against as well as him being my partner..then participating in a clinic he gave and even enjoyed lunch with him and the others...small group..Rod was so personable and just like one of the guys..if you did not know who he was you would think he was just another tennis player in the group...he signed autographs ..personalized them and never once hesistated to share stories of his past..I remember him signing the only Sports Illustrated cover he was on..he commented that he never got on the cover again after that..was suprised to see I had a copy...Again,, I didnt have to dream..because it already happened...twice!
What a lucky thing to have played with Laver!!  I met him at Indian Wells and he was so unassuming and open. Did he play with his Babolat Pure Drive?
Honestly..I cant recall what he was playing you said so unassuming I never really noticed or cared at the
I have dreamed about playing against Agassi.  It was surreal, and due to the fact that it was in a dream, I was playing spectacularly.  Much like yours.  In the end, I actually won, got the girl, the money and the trophy.  Totally cool.
Did you get Steffi Graf, Brooke Shields, or Barbara Streisand? ;)  I'd want Steffi in a heartbeat.
No, better than all three.  Unfortunately she is now married to Tom Stinkin Brady.  I actually was at a charity event where he played McEnroe, and I can't help but think that was what helped with the dream.
Gisele is dreamy for sure. Well, that dream of yours is starting to be better than mine!


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