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'From 2013, on both the ATP World Tour and ATP Challenger Tour, a time violation between points (25 seconds) will be penalised in the first instance with a warning. For the second and all subsequent violations, the penalty will be a fault for the server and a point penalty for the receiver. Currently, the rule is a warning and then point penalty for both the server and receiver.'

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A Sky Sports commentator (In England) Mark Petchy came up with a genius idea, one the ATP probably need to take consideration of. There should be a shot clock. So if a rally goes past 15 shots then the time between serving for the next point can then be 25 seconds plus, however if it is below 15 shots, then the 25 seconds rule sits in place.---"Tennis Maestro" from TW forum

I understand the ATP wanting to address the issue, but unless it is enforced uniformly and in consistent manner (which in itself is tough given certain real-time match circumstances) its uncertain how much impact this or similar actions will have.  Anyone know of any 'shot clock' talk?

Definitely will be difficult to be do it consistently. The difference is in 2013, there is an immediate point lost to the server instead of just a warning. Sure to be some squabbling there!

Yeah, my regular tennis partner was talking "shot clock" a couple weeks back. It was his idea. ;)

Squabbling there will be, rest assured.  I'll cosign on your tennis partner's idea - 'shot clock' almost sounds necessary, not to mention a sure way to further engage the crowd and viewers watching.

I will co-cosign on my tennis pal and your idea. It definitely get the crowd anxiety up. lol

I thought you said it will be "a fault for the server and a point penalty for the receiver" for second and subsequent violation?  So, there's no immediate point lost to server and/or receiver on first violation. And on second violation only the receiver has a point penalty, the server, on the other hand, receives a 'fault' (meaning if he will loses one serve, so if the violation happens before 1st time, he will be faulted for the 1st serve and can still do his 2nd serve). 

Maybe I misunderstood the new rule.

Ah, you're absolutely right, LuvTennis. I misread the new rule. Looks like they went the other way then. I thought they were trying to make the rule more harsh. But it looks like they eased the penalty on the server. Hmm... is that fair?? 

I guess the returner has less rights than the server, since the returner must follow the server's tempo?

True, being servers pace and all.  Perhaps it is a way to begin calling more players on it, and justify/aid its increasing frequency by being a bit less severe of a violation? 

Yeah, don't want to disturb grumbly Nadal and Djoko's serve rituals. lol

Don't know if anyone saw this.  While the points are cherry picked to emphasize the obvious issue, it is pretty funny.

So is that 4 pts Fed to 1 pt Nadal completed? lol

But Fed hits 1) service winner, 2) a serve and volley, 3) serve and inside out fh, 4) another serve and volley expedition.

Nadal is still fixing himself for his serve. haha

hmmm I don't like this either, I hope Youtube takes this down hahaha jp =-)~


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