Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

I'm really stoked about this match up! It has the potential to surpass even Brian Tuck vs. Jake C! This will go down in a couple of months with Mr. #1 Tim Prapong volunteering to have camera coverage.


Brief Background:

     Dave  has been playing around 5 years and has recently progressed from 3.5 to 4.0.  

     Joe B has a few years of experience but is a rapidly rising star in this community as well as his    

               league competitions.


Venue to be decided but it will be in SoCal.


Match predictions any one?

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Going down in Riverside @ 11 am 6/26/12! 

How are those videos coming? I want to a preview of what's to come.

I just got the Micro SD adapter. It will record 1 hour and a half. What preview video, Chin?

I want to see videos of these dudes' games.

Hmm, of Joe's game? Don't want to wait for the 26th and have a surprise?

I think Joe might have a bigger game than he leads us to believe. I knew Dave's game but haven't seen him for over a year when he dragged me back into the tennis courts only to have another lay off when he left. I asked him for a video earlier and he says I will get it.

Hmm, Joe has a kick serve. Maybe it's like Stefan Edberg's. lol

It may probably be a twister!

It's either a twister or a twist of lemon. We'll see. lol

Mr. Tangerine Speedo! Post your games up :)

Who said anything about a twister?  I said Twizzler.  TWIZZLER!  Anyways, I'm very slow on the court.  My wife just showed me a small vid she took of me this weekend.  I asked her why it was in slow motion, and she said it wasn't, that it was normal speed.  Sigh...  I'm really thinking those extra 40 lbs. have got to come off.

Twizzler Joe. With the licorice serve. hehehe

C'mon now, inside every middle aged Roberto Duran, there is a speedy young Duran. Hit the hills on your mountain bike!

Dave looks big but his speed is deceptive. I hope those miles on your MTB pay off Joe. Daves been working on his forehand and backhand at a chinese buffet in SD. Special prep involves heavy reps with spoon in right and fork in left. 


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