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How to Make a Custom Stencil Cheap

by CoachV William Vazquez @TennisProCoachV

Making a stencil is pretty cheap & easy. All you need is a little time and about $10 to spare for the equipment. First you need Stencil paper. In Walmart they Sell Stencil paper or plastic sheets for $5 for three Small pieces in the arts & crafts section.Tip one

1. Dont buy it

Instead go to the office supplies section & buy cheap plastic dividers.the Cost is $3.99 for five and they are much bigger. Also you have an extra 1 or 2 in case you make a mistake.

2. Cardinal Brands, Inc Poly Expanding Pocket Index Dividers, Five-Tab, Letter, Assorted, Five per Set

Now find the Image that you want and Print it. Like Boba Fett Mandolorian Skull.From StarWars

3. Print out the Image and begin to trace with a pencil on the plastic divider.

After completing the Trace on the Plastic divider now its time to cut. use an X-ACTO General Purpose Utility Knife  or if the extra 88 cents is Still too much money for this Job? use a cheap cutting blade that cost $1. K Tool International Knife Utility Retractable 6In. you can find them in the dollar store.

Step 4

Cut the pencil out line. Find a Hard wood flat plank place the Plastic divider sheet on it. Take all safety precautions. Cut out the stencil outline. This is the most time consuming portion of the stencil making process.

Step 5

Buy a hole puncher and Punch a hole on top & bottom the the stencil to help hold it in place or cut the corners to fit perfectly into your racquet

step 6

Buy Stencil ink

its about a $3 for 1 stick. Check Sport authority or get 2 for $1 if you Follow my other posting.....

Free Tennis Gear Follow me on twitter please.

Step 7 Stencil your Racquet.

But it doesn't end can make a complete set of matching equipment.

Hope you enjoy this tip. Post you Racquet Stencils you customize.

Here is the Power & Control Stencil CoachV Designed.Step by step Pics.

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I Have Customize a Great Stencil for every tennis player. I call it Power & Control. If you like it please Follow my instructions on how to make a custom stencil. Here is my image for you Free! Cut out the Green parts then stencil.Download the PDF to Print.

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