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I may play just for the hell of it.....
Iam Still pondering it as the time gets closer i will deside
you should give it a shot, lady from Tracy won our region last year, came out of retirement or something, good way to gauge where you are at for the future.

 Romana Tedjakusuma I know her she trains here with Malcom Allen A coach Out Sanfransico

she was to 80 in the world at one time

Do it!  And keep us posted on how it goes.  :-)
There are Some people out there that are big in the tennis world that want me to play in the easterbowl next year so most of our funds are for traveling Because iam doing Jrs again But another topic Because its not what I want to do, I want to play professional tennis :( some people say your parents shouldn't push you) So I dont have my own will? I Cant want this for myself, My dad would have loved me me to run track or played B-ball so he could coach me himself. My Mom is 6ft1 she wanted me to play volleyball or b-ball But she supported me and started playing so she could be their for me My sis started playing for the cute tennis cloths but became a good jr Player But end up running Track her first Love My Brother Played But ended Up Playing football His First Love and now is playing D2 But when is MYMy going to switch never I Love Tennis its not about if I Play the easterbowl or not I Think I can Out Serve 95% of the Jrs I hit Harder than most of them  All My losses I Beat Myself Now that Iam Working own My control Hitting with more spin with a lot of action I feel Great about My game Ask the men on here that I played matches against last but no least Venus or Serena didn't go trough the Easterbowl Either Wew I had to get that off my chest thanks and they say guys dont like to listen I fine you guys out to be very good listners.
Yep, it's a long hard road to the top that is for sure, and a lot of outside help is needed along the way. Those who want you to play Easter Bowl, Eddie Herr, etc probably want to see you compete against the top competition out there and if you perform well others will want to help out. The US Open Qualifier is a great start, if you can make out of local bracket and go deep in the national part that will say a lot to where you are at and what's in store for the future. It's vicious cycle, got to have money to travel to big tourneys, and need to have good results at big tourneys to get sponsors to give travel money. I would sign up and smack your way to the Open...
Thanks Hal
DO IT "MARS"!!!!  What the hell are you waiting for?  You know you have what it takes!  Like Pops said, "the ball is in your court now"!

Now thats how you motivate

Myiesha, I totally think you ought to go for it.  What can you lose seriously.  I will give you an opportunity to totally gauge where you are and where you need to get to.  Go for it girl!
This is the time,  No butterfly.  :)   Go   Venus.


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