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Hi Mike :)

I am so excited to get back into playing tennis. I never had to buy my own racquette before. Where should I go and what should I consider. Where do I even start. If purchasing a racquette is as difficult as purchasing track or running shoes, I definitely need your advice. Help please :)

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I would go to a local tennis shop and ask to demo several rackets. Most shops will let you do so. Tell them what your level is and they should be able to hook you up with some appropriate rackets. I would use google maps / search to figure out where the closest shops are in your area.
Thank you Will. I am planning to go asap as soon as I get home tomorrow.
No prob. Buying a is all about trial and error... there is no silver bullet.
DONT BUY A RACKET YET!!!!! If you are just starting out, i would go with an inexpensive but decent racket to make sure you like tennis first, then spend the money on a real good racket..You really cant go wrong starting out with a Prince or Wilson racket.Sports Authority or Dicks Sporting Goods has both that run around $40.00-$75.00. Get something that is not too heavy, i would say around 8.5 to at most 10.0 ounces. I wouldnt go too heavy at first so you can build up your tennis muscles..Once you find your style of play and your game strengths and weakness, youll know what to look for in a racket.
When your ready to buy your permanent racket, remember that finding the right racket is time consuming.There are so many different styles, sizes, and weights that it is definatley a trial and error thing..You need to pick a racket depending on the style of your play and your strength. If you are a member of a tennis club with a pro shop, they will usually let you try many rackets at no charge...If this isnt available, and you have friends that play, try out their rackets..If this doesnt work, you could always try, they have a very good demo program.
Yes, it is really difficult to shop for the "right" racket! I am currently using a Wilson racket, weighing 264grams. I am planning to get the Prince "O" racket that really costs a lot, back here in Singapore..
Hmmm....If you must buy, buy something that isn't too stiff. Stiffer ones are harder to control. Don't make any major purchases yet...meaning nothing in 3 digits.

I saw a nice oversized racquette at costco for $50...I think it was goes for 100-200 in other stores...

Make sure to buy vibration dampening thingie if the racquette doesn't come with it already...only couple of bucks or you can use rubber band as Agassi does. Without it, you have greater chance of injury...

Good luck...

Tips on buying a racquet, hope this helps!

6 Ways to Save Big on a Good Racket

1. Buy “Last Year’s Model”. These racquets drop 30-50% in price. Lucky for us, racquets do not have an expiration date. Fact: A semi-pro (college+) who does not abuse rackets can get about 3 years’ worth of good use with 2-3 rackets playing 3+ hours daily before a frame “dies”.

2. For most club players buying a new racket—beginners, intermediate, advanced, at club level—spend US $60-$100 on a frame and consider that a 10-year investment. $10/yr for a good stick is a great deal.

3. Consider adopting a used frame, through avenues like,, The Salvation Army, and my personal favorite, Craigslist. They always carry great used sticks looking for a new home. For advanced players whose sticks have been discontinued, this is a great way to find them. If you are buying a used frame, make sure the grommets (bumper guard) are not worn. If they are, do not buy the racquet.
4. Most club pros and pro shops are racquet dealers and get good deals for racquets. Talk to them. They tend to put their demos on sale annually as well.
5. Unless you are playing competitive tennis, pro versions with their cheeky price tags are unnecessary. Fact: The modern game actually favors lite versions which are easier to maneuver and afford massive racket head speed with less effort.

6. As with any investment, protect your racquets from the weather. Advanced players, if you have stocked up on your favorite frame in fear of discontinuations (imminent, by the way), buy replacement grommets. Ten sets for 6 frames is reasonable, but you can buy more if you like, and the reason is simple: US $5/grommet vs. $190/stick. Do not wait until the grommets are completely gone to replace them. Manufacturers now brand racquets on grommets, and this weakens the integrity—more reason to stock up.

In summation, all you racquet smashers, remember—pros do not pay for their frames, so make a decision about which racquet is best for you completely independent of what the pros are using.

Happy saving!!


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