Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Hey you Redcoats!

Really, happy to have you here.  I promise we won't be arseholes like those admins at your previous home. 




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Haha of course Mark the more the merrier :)

I suppose the UK side of it is only for sales, so it be good to get the old banter back here at Tennisopolis.


If you play nice you're more than welcome! I don't know what you mean about the even handed mods;)........................... (have they found us?)
They've found us oh nooo we need to go deeper undercover before granville gets us ha :)

Dave Moors said:
If you play nice you're more than welcome! I don't know what you mean about the even handed mods;)........................... (have they found us?)
Thats what i wondered, maybe we need some sort of entramce quiz so the underground isn't exposed!

Dave, 10s bums,


Well, actually, although I didn't go to public school, I certainly favour some kind of initiation... UKRH10sBm tattoos w/membership no. should be obligatory... anything involving excessive alcohol intake and ritual humiliation should do - LOL!...  




Dave Moors said:

Thats what i wondered, maybe we need some sort of entramce quiz so the underground isn't exposed!



Yes, just to repeat what Meaghan has already said - absolutely the more the  merrier!!.. if you're anything verging on a racketaholic or a tennis bum, let's get chatting!


Thanks again for the welcome.



A RH & TB squad membership number, we could have polo shirts with it on like the cricketers do and stickers to go on our racquet bags!
Haha yeah rossy no 1 then we can all fight for the leftovers!
So the hazing has already begun.  Just send me that mandatory tattoo art and I'll surely find a suitable inkman, here in the ink capitol of the world.

Ross K said:

...I certainly favour some kind of initiation... UKRH10sBm tattoos w/membership no. should be obligatory... anything involving excessive alcohol intake and ritual humiliation should do - LOL!...  




Dave Moors said:

Thats what i wondered, maybe we need some sort of entramce quiz so the underground isn't exposed!


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