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What stringing machine do you guys have
what are the pros & cons of your machine any special feature, any specification like no of points, manual/electric....

and what what you recommend for amateur stringers to buy.

please put your comments or at lest your machine name & model, this will be useful

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Depending on your space requirements, you have a table top and an upright. I have both. I have a Gamma x2 drop weight which is a table top & I have a Eagnas Flex 940 lockout crank upright. Most tabletop stringers will run about $90 to $5000.00. Most upright will run from $400 to $10,000.

There are three type of stringer
Drop weight
Crank (Lock out) - manual & electronic
Electronic Constant pull
True Tension. I started with a Klipstringer just for my own use, drop weight, tabletop model. Started to string for friends. I didnt like the string clamps (modified vise grips), too much string slippage. After a lot of research and spending an afternoon with John Balaban who invented the machine, I bought the True Tension rather than the popular Ektalon. Was one of the first machines to have solid 4 point support at the 12 3 6 and 9 oclock positions. I have strung with this machine for many many years with consistently good results. All manual. Solid parts, clamps, all high grade machined aluminum. check it out at:
Just seconding what Dudley said. It should be noted that it takes longer to string with a True Tension as well as knowing some simple formulas (spreadsheets) to adjust to the requested reference tension. I seriously doubt any other machine is more consistent. It has many features to eliminate string drag while pulling tension as well as deforming of the frame. Also, it's a lockout with prestretch and I've been able to achieve higher and consistent tensions than the local shop's MRT that uses a Baiardo, probably due to the quality of the clamps and the tensioning jaw.
I string on a Gamma 6004 with a Wise-2086 Tensioner; the combination of this 6pt and the electronic tensioner and I'm accurate with 1/18 of a lb. Great upgrade investment to the CP world for only $495.
Pro: Smooth, quiet, accurate, easy to switch out if no electricity, great pre-stretch feature
Cons:???, nothin'
I remember seeing the wise setup during its prototype days, great idea, helped out a lot of stringers that had the crank system, the 6 pt mount is a must have.

Larry said:
I string on a Gamma 6004 with a Wise-2086 Tensioner; the combination of this 6pt and the electronic tensioner and I'm accurate with 1/18 of a lb. Great upgrade investment to the CP world for only $495.
Pro: Smooth, quiet, accurate, easy to switch out if no electricity, great pre-stretch feature
Cons:???, nothin'


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