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I am looking to play weekdays, prefer doubles but singles would be okay. I am a 3.5 player. I am visiting from San Diego and am here often on and off through the year.

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Aloha Susan,
You are welcome to tap into another ning platform network based locally called HIT (Hawaiian Isles Tennis).
Recommend joining the Oahu 3.5 Women's group and repurposing your request in a discussion.
Here's the link:

Aloha and I hope you have success getting connected for play at the Diamond Head Tennis Courts or at Kapiolani.
You can join hit at

Leilani Magee,
Principal, HIT
Thanks so much for the advice, I really appreciatte it. Susan

Leilani Magee said:
Aloha Susan,
You are welcome to tap into another ning platform network based locally called HIT (Hawaiian Isles Tennis).
Recommend joining the Oahu 3.5 Women's group and repurposing your request in a discussion.
Here's the link:

Aloha and I hope you have success getting connected for play at the Diamond Head Tennis Courts or at Kapiolani.
You can join hit at

Leilani Magee,
Principal, HIT
Hi Susan,

I just moved here to Hawaii and am looking for someone to hit around with too. I'm in waikiki. Let me know if youre interested, thanks.

Hello Susan,

I also work in Hawaii fairly often and I'd like to find someone to hit with, too!

I will be in the Waikiki area for much of January and would love to hit. If you are around during that time and would be interested, please send me an email.


Hi John -
I may be there in January, don't know yet but will let you know. Its fairly easy to pick up a game at the Diamondhead courts if you get there around 8:30 a.m. Also, are you familiar with the Fort Durusy clinics and round robins?

John said:
Hello Susan,

I also work in Hawaii fairly often and I'd like to find someone to hit with, too!

I will be in the Waikiki area for much of January and would love to hit. If you are around during that time and would be interested, please send me an email.


HI susan, It's funny, I am also from San Diego and go to Oahu a couple of times a year, at LEAST. I was surfing the net to see if I could find someone to rally with when I am in Oahu. Do you visit often? I prefer doubles and I'm ranked 3.5 I play on a couple of leagues in the south bay. I'm planning a trip in March. Will you be in the islands?
Hi I am Jenny a Germans 4.0 player. I will be in Waikiki from the 9th March till the 22nd ( yeas for vacation of course). Since I am allways anxious to play and love to have a little challange, I would be quiet happy to hit some balls anytime you like. If you are interested and dare to have a try me let me know:


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