Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Hi everyone,

I'm brand spankin' new to this website. What a great idea! Anyway, I just started getting back into tennis last Fall so I'm excited to work on dusting off some of the cobb webs.

I've never been to McFetridge. I find the Park District's website to be terrible at explaining exactly how one goes about getting an indoor court. (They probably do a splendid job---but c'mon it's taking too much work to find this info). So how do I go about getting court time? Do you just go over there and put your name on a list? Is it a bit more civilized than that? Do you just call? Why in God's name can't we reserve time online with a Chicago Park District account? How early can you reserve a court? The day of? 24 hours ahead of time? A week?

Also, I hear they have a ball machine. What's the process for renting that thing? When I make a reservation for the court, can I just reserve the machine at the same time?

Thanks everyone for your help!

- Jeremy

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Mcfetridge is okay club. Hard to get courts specially winter time. Booking a court is a week in advance.I was a member of Midtown before and they have the best courts if you are willing to pay a monthly payment plus court time. Hey we might need a fourth player sometime if you are interested.

I'm interested in getting back into playing on a regular basis. I was a 3/3.5 when I played consistently. I'm available after 5 weekdays and on the weekends. I'm also new to Chi-town and not sure the best places to play.


Thanks for the info! So all I have to do is call a week in advance? That sounds easy. So If I want to play on Saturday, February 28, I just call on Saturday, February 21, and I'm golden?


Jonjie said:
Mcfetridge is okay club. Hard to get courts specially winter time. Booking a court is a week in advance.I was a member of Midtown before and they have the best courts if you are willing to pay a monthly payment plus court time. Hey we might need a fourth player sometime if you are interested.
Hey Jeremy,

You have to stop by the courts and pick up a $10 membership card, which will be good until the end of August this year. Then, you can reserve up to six days in advance, either in person after 7am (I see some guys do this) or 8am by phone. Beware that during popular times like weekends or evenings, court times go fast. Courts are decent, considering they are park district courts. Good luck!
Thanks for the details on how everything works! That's what I needed...

Have a good one,


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