Hi everyone,
I'm brand spankin' new to this website. What a great idea! Anyway, I just started getting back into tennis last Fall so I'm excited to work on dusting off some of the cobb webs.
I've never been to McFetridge. I find the Park District's website to be terrible at explaining exactly how one goes about getting an indoor court. (They probably do a splendid job---but c'mon it's taking too much work to find this info). So how do I go about getting court time? Do you just go over there and put your name on a list? Is it a bit more civilized than that? Do you just call? Why in God's name can't we reserve time online with a Chicago Park District account? How early can you reserve a court? The day of? 24 hours ahead of time? A week?
Also, I hear they have a ball machine. What's the process for renting that thing? When I make a reservation for the court, can I just reserve the machine at the same time?
Thanks everyone for your help!
- Jeremy