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Tennisopolis Bracket Challenge Standings

Come make your picks in our first annual US Open Bracket Challenge sponsored by Avery Racquets. Pick the most winners in the men's draw and WIN a new Avery M3 Control racquet, a $179.99 value. Get entered in our next pick-em contest here at Tennisopolis. Show your knowledge and predict the winners of the US Open, or just have a fun time trying. The US Open bracket is in place. So NOW is THE time to enter your picks. Go to the Battle of The Boards headquarters and fill in the form.

Let's show all the other sites that we have the skillz to pay the bills. Be sure to select the Tennisopolis team name from the drop down menu. The Grand Prize is for the best score on the Tennisopolis team. Do it NOW or regret it for 2 weeks. :-)

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Congrats on winning our FIRST EVER grand prize for a bracket challenge. Excellent picks. And you represented us well in the big picture, finishing 2nd out of 450+/- players!
2008 US OPEN 'BATTLE OF THE BOARDS' PICK 'EM CONTEST - final 'syndicated' report

So, the biggest 'Battle of the Boards' yet comes to an end, and what a BOTB it's been! Full detailed results can be found at and the updated Hall of Fame at - the overall rankings will be updated later this week and I will post again when they are available.


Winning Rounds 3 & 4 helped to give the 35-strong team a clear lead that they did not relinquish, ending up winning by nearly 5 points - they came top on unadjusted averages and average picks correct too, as they completed a commanding victory to improve on their 3rd place finish last year.

Fed's win lifted 17-player team up 2 to 2nd, giving them their first-ever top three finish, ahead of the QF-winning 36-strong TAT team, down 1 to 3rd, who managed to hold off the leaders in the overall team race Team CC, up 1 to 4th on Monday, as dropped 2 to 5th.

Fed's 13th grand slam title produced a late surge by the Feddies, who roared up 5 places to 6th after winning their second round in a row. Whether the two RF team members who picked Nole instead of "Rogi" will ever feel able to show their faces on his forum again remains to be seen ...

Overall no. 2 team dropped 2 to 8th, so it was a bad day for the boards of both GB's slam finalists from the last 30 years. All of the other teams moved down 1, mainly thanks to the Feddie surge, but 132-strong Tennisopolis managed to lift themselves one place off the bottom right at the end, sending the Ducklings down there in their place.


Not surprisingly, the fnal top 10 was dominated by some of the 1/3 of entrants who picked Fed to retain the title.

Congratulations to MC (MT), 58th ranked before this pick 'em, who kept the US Open title in MTF's hands (amalyn (MT), 124th this year, won it last year) by coming top or equal top in each of the last five rounds! He became the second Canadian to win one of these contests after BalaK (AM) who triumphed in Rome AMS earlier this year.

The winner finished an astounding 13 points ahead, giving him over 100 ranking points more for the USO than first-time picker Graphite Machete (TN) from the USA, up 2 to 2nd, who seems to have nabbed the Tennisopolis racket prize.

Scotland's Claire Bear (AM), up 5 to 3rd, may have relinquished her Cincy title a few weeks ago, but having now finished 3rd out of 456 entrants here, she can truly consider herself the "Queen of hard" (ooer!), so very well done to her and to the top two as well.

The other places in the top 5 were also taken by entrants who picked Fed to win, Eva (RF) from Estonia, up 7 to 4th, and another first-timer, billxxx (TN), up 7 to 5th.

Two Rafa-to-win pickers held on in the top 10 - long-time leader Christian (BT), down 4 to 6th (he shared getting the most individual picks correct, 98/127, with the eventual winner), and goldfish (BT), down 4 to 7th. Three more Fed-to-win pickers complete the top 10 - s0mil (TY), up 5 to 8th, Marko Mitic (TY), up 7 to 9th, and Akhenaten (BT), up 10 to 10th.

The highest-placed entrant out of those in the pre-USO top 20 was Dusty Dick (BT), down 6 to 11th, while dssl973/Ma$terpiec£ (AM), down 6 to 12th, was the highest placed entrant who picked losing finalist Andy Murray to win.

The highest placed pre-USO top 10 player was Flintstone (IN), down 17 to 38=.


Five entrants rose 77 places as a result of the Final - David Carter (BT), up to 224th, Speedy (BB), up to 225th, x5daisy (RF), up to 228th, walo (RF), up to 243rd, and TheLogo (TY), up to 244th.


There was tight competition for 'most in need of a parachute' on the final day, with cazza99 (AM), down 37 to 192nd, just edging it! The bottom five in the final table (8 of the bottom 10 in fact) were all newbies from Tennisopolis, so I guess a bit of experience of these comps can help!


With a good performance in the middle rounds, Billy the bookie finished top of the Bots, about equal with the 23rd best human, with the ranking and ATP race bots following on behind him.

Average Joe proved that the consensus of 456 heads gives a better than average result, while the US Open Series bot (whose accuracy was hampered by losing lots of contenders to the Olympics) finished just below halfway and the American bot finished below the last human, if still above the gorillas, who went hungry.


After going behind during the QFs, the kids overtook the adults right at the end to lead the series 5-3 in 2008, though they trail 6-7 all-time.

They may have lost the SF and Final rounds, but male entrants beat female entrants by more than three points after winning the first five rounds. Males lead 6-2 this year, 9-4 all-time, though the '2' for females this year were both slams, the AO and Wimby, so slams were split 2-2 with all the AMS events in 2008 so far being won by the men.

It was a similar story in fans v actives, with fans also winning by just over 3 points - they lead the series 8-0 in 2008 (!), 10-3 all-time.


FINAL: (9) RafaelNadalFans beat (10) Other Boards 21.4-20.53
3-4: (5) beat (6) 23.41-21
5-6: (1) beat (2) TalkAboutTennis 22.2-21.67
7-8: (13) Assorted Individuals beat (3) 19.71-14.17
9-10: (7) Centre Court Forum beat (16) 22.96-22.24
11-12: (14) beat (12) 25.34-20.39
13-14: (4) MensTennisForums beat (15) 21.2-17.21
15-16: (11) BBC 606 boards beat (8) 23-22.43

Not one of the 13 teams with 5+ entrants finished in the same place in the KO among those 13 teams as they did in the league. You have to feel for who ended up last in the team KO despite scoring more than any other losing team in the final round!


Unfortunately, I won't be able to find the time to do these immediately, but they will be published later this week and I will post again when they are available.

I can tell you that there is very little change in the team race, but the four teams behind Team CC have bunched up to an incredible extent, leaving the race for the year-end top spot wide open!


Thank you for taking part in the US Open BOTB, I hope you had fun. Give yourself a BIG pat on the back if you finished in the top 100, or even the top half in such a tough comp! Thanks also to Bethan for getting all those entries into the system in the first place!

The next BOTB pick 'em will be Madrid AMS, with entries likely to open on 10 or 11 October, when the race will really be on for year-end no. 1 among both the individuals and the teams!
thanks, Steven.
well I picked the winner don't know how I did all the way thru, how can we find out how we did?
you can sorta cross-reference your picks here, with your earned points here, you can see that you earn 1 pt for every correct 1st-round winner, 2 pts for 2nd-rounders, etc etc, ... and 7 for the correct winner.
I'm not sure who won the racquet, but congrats to whoever you are :)
Hi Poet,
Graphite Machete won the Tennisopolis US Open Bracket Challenge sponsored by Avery and finished 3rd overall in the Battle Of The Boards. Congrats to GM! He wins a brand new Avery M3 Control racquet. Boo-ya!

Everyone, go to The Machete's page and give him a pat on the back!

In case you haven't noticed yet, the new overall rankings have now been posted. Over 100 people left the rankings after not playing any pick 'ems since last year's USO, but over 200 newbies took part in the USO this year, so overall the number of ranked players has gone up to over 800!


Perhaps surprisingly, there was very little change in the team rankings, with Team CC staying in 1st place despite a net gain of just 41 points, staying in 2nd despite neither of their USO scores being good enough to improve on their best 7, and staying in 3rd, despite a net gain of just 124.

However, when you look a bit closer at the change figures, you can see that CC still lead by less than 200 points, GR lead AM by just 61 points (c.f. nearly 200 before the USO) and AM lead 4th placed by just 42 points, down from over 300 thanks to BT winning the USO teams league.

In addition, TAT, up 2 to 4th, swapping places with MTF, down 2 to 6, added 792 points at the USO (both their scores counting in full because they only had five counting scores before) and instead of being nearly 400 points behind BT, around 700 behind AM and around 900 behind GR, they are now just 9, 51 and 112 points behind them respectively.

Hence, despite the lack of changes this time, it is all set up for a very exciting end to the Teams Race over the last two pick 'ems of the year, with any of the top five teams having a good chance of ending up on top, or at least in the year-end top three!


Ashley Harkleroad's ***** (IN) had his worst pick 'em yet (though 118th/456 and 2 x 444 ranking points would be pretty good for most of us!) but the Wimbledon Pick 'em Champion still managed to retain an overall lead of over 100 points.

This is because the rest of the pre-USO top five all dropped back, except Flintstone (IN), who so consistently scores over 500 ranking points in pick 'ems that while a place in the USO top 40 helped her move up 1 to 2nd, it didn't increase her best 7 scores by enough to enable her to challenge for the top slot.

Wendy (AM), down 1 to 3rd, had her worst finish since Madrid AMS 2007 at the USO, but she still managed to keep the top three 175 points clear of the rest. Fedex (GR), up 7 to 4th, climbed well into the top 10 after finishing in the top 30 at the USO, while miffy (AM) climbed 8 to 5th after finishing 21st.


Such was the carnage among many of those who had been in the top 10 before the USO that Richard Morris/ASE (AM), up 1 to 6th, and WimbledonAce (CC), up 2 to 7th, managed to move up despite weak USOs (WA finished 349th!) which did not add any points to their totals - neither of them were actually defending any points, which obviously helped.

Having missed the USO, linda (AM) dropped 4 places to 8th, but will be relieved to still be in the top 10, while a 7th place finish for goldfish (BT) at the USO lifts her up 10 and back into the top 10 in 9th.

Last but certainly not least, USO winner MC (MT) rockets up 48 places to 10th!


Conversely, last year's USO winner amalyn (MT), drops 17 to 22nd, 124th place this time leaving her well off what she achieved last year. Randall Six (IN), down 6 to 12th, cazza99 (AM), down 6 to 14th, and RoastLamb (AM), down 8 to 18th, also dropped out of the top 10 after not doing quite as well as at the USO last year.


Apart from the USO winner, the other big climber into the top 20 is hfwardhouse (AM), up 32 to 17th after a top 25 finish in the USO.

Climbing from outside the top 100 into the top 50 are wunderkind (TA), up 76 to 25th, Akhenaten (BT), up 94 to 31st after finishing 10th at the USO, FishFlaps (CC), up 91 to 42nd after finishing 16th at the USO, and Charlie02123 (TA), up 67 to 50th. Also worth a mention is Cincy runner-up dssl973/Ma$terpiec£ (AM), who followed up his 48 place rise after Cincy with a rise of another 45 places to 27th after finishing 12th at the USO - quite the expert at the summer US hard court swing! (in other words, he picked Muzza to win both Cincy and the USO!)

Joint highest climbers into the top 100 are luvs10s (T), up 96 to 73rd, and Drop-Shot (TA), up 96 to 88th. Because of the increase in the number of ranked players and the increase in the number getting to a full complement of 7 counting scores, in the lower echelons of the top 100, you needed to increase your points total by about 200 just to stay where you were.

13 players managed to rise over 100 places into the top 200, with bblola12 (RF), up 222 to 198th, rising the most. bill b (TN), up 319 to 260th, and BORRO2 (RF), up 328 to 275, both rose more than 300 places into the top 300, with the latter the fastest riser of all after finishing in the top 50 at the USO, a big improvement on a weak debut at Wimbledon.


The highest new entrant is Graphite Machete (TN), in at 254th after taking the USO runner-up spot. Eight more players managed to enter the rankings in the top 300 after finishing in the top 30 or so at the USO.


Big fallers are less interesting than big risers because most players who fall hundreds of places do so because they haven't played any pick 'ems for ages and their few remaining scores are starting to drop off.

The biggest faller who didn't fall right out of the rankings is fleabitten (TN), down 537 to 801st after dropping his 2007 USO score left him with just 2x3 points from this year's AO!

For detailed final US Open BOTB results, an updated pick 'em Hall of Fame and new overall rankings, please see
Hello all,

The racquet arrived and I have strung it with Kirschbaum hybrid strings. Looks neat!!! I have not had a chance to play with it yet. Hopefully, sometime this week. Zipped file with pictures attached.
Looks good, GM.

Thanks for the pictures.


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