Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Will travel, but Renton, Kent, Auburn, Federal Way, Des Monies are all great.
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Pawtucket/Providence and Danielson, CT. Also travel for work so could be anywhere in New England.
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Jamaica, NY But, will travel if needed locally, love early morning play, hate high noon sun.
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: corrales, rio rancho would be ideal but i am willing to travel in order to play tennis.
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: I travel a lot for work so I am looking for players in a lot of places- mostly in the western US
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Situated Downtown ... but will travel far and wide to play anywhere within the Lower Mainland. Travels to Kelowna and Victoria for tournaments, too!
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: City of Aalborg, Denmark. But I travel a lot and frequently to America, so you may hear from me in your local community group.
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: I play at FIU university, Kendal area and Tropical Park tennis courts. Looking to burn a few calories, can play mornings, evenings & willing to travel a bit.
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