Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Take a look at how many people all over the world are using these platforms:
  • 7 people on the planet and 5 billion on mobile phones
  • 2 billion are on the internet
  • 35 hours of video are loaded onto YOUTUBE every minute
  • If Facebook were a country it would be the 4th largest in the World
These are some really scary numbers if you are still operating with old school tactics.
Here are ways it will eventually kill your business:
  • You will lose out on clients to other competitors who are starting to use these winning online strategies
  • You will lose out to other activities who are promoting online, like soccer, basketball, karate, and dance
  • You will someday be replaced by a Teaching Pro who knows how to market online
All this is not a matter of is a matter of when. Right now most coaches are still behind the curve so you are lucky. 
But the coaches I talk to are only behind the curve because they don't know where to start...Not because they don't want to start
Soon many of these coaches will take that crucial leap of faith we all need to do from time to time and never look back.
Will you be left behind?
Say HELL NO today and sign up for a Free Auto-Pilot Consultation Today...

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Comment by Peter Freeman on November 13, 2012 at 10:19am

V thanks for your interest...I help people with getting websites, making videos, and lead pages....depending on what people want my cost vary between...$200 to just under $1000. If you are interested I would be happy to talk to you...

and on the webinar I meant to say retain...just got a little tongue tied I guess

Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on November 13, 2012 at 9:25am

Dude What are you selling and why so many Blogs of the same thing? is it an All in one web service & Marketing? what plat forms does it run on and work with? To Who and how much private information must i release? How much does services Cost? Is it just a Seminar?

Thankss for answering these questions. 3:28 of the free webinar you say Retrain in stead of Retain.

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